38|Promise me you won't leave

⚠️ Contains sexual scenes ⚠️

Grace sat on the bed she shared with Victor, thinking about Debbie being pregnant, perhaps her reaction earlier had been a bit harsh but she was afraid for her sister. She didn't want Debbie to be a part of all this, it was bad enough that Grace had to be.

"You're up late tesoro," Victor said coming into the bedroom after finishing up his work for the day.

"I couldn't sleep," She said not meeting his eyes.

"Is Debbie's pregnancy bothering you?" He asked sitting down next to her.

"I'm just worried for her" Grace nodded

"It will be fine, Vincent won't let her do any of this on her own." Victor said taking his hand in hers "he will be a good father" he kissed her hand gently before getting up "and if he's not, I'll shoot him" he added making Grace giggle.

"How easy life must be to be able to just shoot anyone that gives you problems" Grace smiled watching him undo his tie

"You would think that Grace but it becomes much more complicated" He smirked undoing the buttons of his black dress shirt.

"How so?" Grace asked standing up and walking over to him, she pushed his hands away as her fingers took his place unbuttoning his shirt. Her rose scent filled her nose as she worked with the buttons and every so often her fingers would brush against his chest.

"Some people you can't shoot when they don't give you what you want" He breathed as she got to the last button, his hardness ever present as her hands touched the bare skin of his shoulders as she pushed his shirt to the floor.

"Who would dare not give Victor Bernardi what he wants?" She asked with a mischievous smile as she unbuckled his belt, her hand touching his hardness as she removed it.

"Grace," He said in a warning tone.

"Yes, Victor?" She looked at him as his green eyes darkened with lust, she undid the top button of his pants and zipped the zipper down.

"You're playing a dangerous game," He said in a hoarse voice as she moved her hand into his pants making him growl. She took his thick shaft in her hand while her other hand pulled his pants down slightly giving her more room. Victor breathed in sharply as her hand began to move stroking his length back and forth, the urge to remove her hand and fuck her up against this wall was becoming more and more difficult to control

"Am I?" She whispered seductively, her lips inches from his, he could feel her hot breath on him. Right now he was a ticking time bomb.

"You are" his voice was low and hungry while his green eyes darkly eyed her like predator sizing up its prey.

"Maybe I like the danger," She said before taking his bottom lip between her teeth and making him growl once more, she knew she was poking at the fire and soon enough Victor would snap and have her any which way he wanted. The thought excited her as she continued to stroke him, she could feel the wetness between her legs. She released his bottom lip from her teeth with a smirk, running her tongue along his lip before letting it go completely, from the sounds of Victor's short deep breaths, she knew he was enjoying this as much as she was.

"I think you do," He said almost breathlessly, his control slipping further and further. "I think you like it a bit too much"

"How much?" She asked her hazel eyes feigning innocence, that was it for him, the final straw, he no longer had control of the part of him that needed her.

He wrapped his left hand around her throat pushing her against the wall behind her, excitement in her hazel eyes danced brightly. With his right hand, he removed her hand from his penis before making its way up her night dress, ripping the lace panties she wore until they lay between her legs. His emerald eyes were dark with hunger and lust, and his sculpted jaw set. If Grace hadn't been so turned on she might have even been scared for a moment. Turning her around quickly, his left hand tangled into her hair as he grabbed a fist full pulling her head towards him, his right hand spreading her legs as he positioned himself.

"So much so that you married it," He said into her ear as he pushed himself roughly inside of her making her scream out. A moan left his lips as he felt her warm wetness around him. There was no control left and now he would claim what was his. He pushed himself into her again harder this time, "you don't get to be in control Grace" He sneered as his hand gripped her hair harder, he pushed into her again as another pleasureful scream left her lips. Again and again, harder and harder, the only sounds filling the room were her screams and the sound of his body slapping against hers as he fucked her.

"Victor!" she screamed out his name as he felt her walls begin to tighten around him.

"Not so fast sweetheart," He said pulling out of her and making her whimper at the emptiness. Turning her around he lifted her quickly as she wrapped her legs around his waist "I decided when you cum" He laid her down on the bed taking his place at her entrance, not entering her just yet. He kissed her lips roughly before pulling away. His right hand moved down and began rubbing circles around her clit making her moan. He pushed hard into her once before removing himself again, he did it over and over smiling at her disappointment each time he pulled out.

"Please Victor" She begged. Her body felt as though it would explode without a release. He pushed into her again, this time keeping a steady pace. Wrapping his hand around her throat once more he thrust into her while his right hand moved from her clit, gripping her hip in a tight embrace as he pushed himself into her harder making her scream out again. He felt himself on edge as well as her, her body begging for a release.

"Do you want to cum tesoro?" He asked in a low husky voice before kissing her ear and down her jaw

"Yes," Grace said breathlessly, Victor's hard thrust not once faltering.

"Are you sure?" He asked with a smirk

"Please" She begged as he pushed into her again each thrust harder than the last.

"Cum" He said in his most demanding voice and with that she let go as Victor felt her tighten with him inside of her. The harder he pumped the tighter she became, her screams filling the room as he felt his own pleasure overflow inside of her. Burying his head into her neck, he bit down on her shoulder as he rode out the wave of his own orgasm.

The two of them laid silently side by side, Victor looked over at Grace as she began to fall asleep, exhausted from their session.

"Victor?" Grace said groggily

"Si?" He answered watching her turn over to face him, her eyes closed which made it hard to tell if she was just talking in her sleep.

"Please don't leave me" She said softly, the thought of leaving her broke his heart.

"Why would I leave you tesoro?" He asked turning on his side

"Eventually everyone I love leaves."

Victor looked at her, obviously she hadn't noticed her words but he had, he couldn't tell if his heart was breaking or if it was bursting. "I promise I won't leave you Grace" He said pulling her body closer to him holding her against him.