42| Hurting

⚠️ Contains sexual scenes ⚠️

Heartbreak was not an emotion he'd ever had to deal with and as he stood looking at the tears rolling down his face in the bathroom mirror, he knew without a doubt that he loved Grace. He went out to the bedroom where she sat as she had when he left. Grace looked at him, she was glad that she had him during all this, at first she would have given anything for him to leave her alone but now she knew that she couldn't bare losing him. He took her hand as they went into the bathroom, he turned to face her, his hands traveling to the hems of her grey shirt, his eyes holding a silent question to which Grace nodded allowing him to take off her shirt. He balled his hands into fists as he looked at the red and purple marks forming along her ribs.

"Don't do that" Grace said as she began taking off her jeans "It's not your fault"

"It is," He said clenching his jaw "I should have killed Frank before he could ever hurt you"

"You didn't know he would escape," She said softly standing naked in front of him "You can't blame yourself for this"

"I didn't want you to get hurt," Victor said as he began taking his clothes off "I'm supposed to protect you" he sighed before helping Grace into the bath, he climbed in after her, sitting on the opposite side of the large tub. "I've failed you"

"How on earth have you failed me?" Grace asked looking at him, his green eyes looked down at the water refusing to meet her gaze.

"I was supposed to keep you safe and protect you from harm. As your husband, I have let you down" his eyes met hers and in them, Grace could see a whole range of emotions she had never seen from Victor before. Guilt was the most prominent one.

"You stupid fool," She said softly making him raise a dark brow at her. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn't dare insult the mafia king but right now he wasn't the king, he was Victor her husband. She moved forward, her body protesting against her movements but she ignored the pain that seared around her ribs and sat on Victor's lap so that she was straddling him, she put her hands on either side of his sculpted face as his green eyes held hers with more emotion than she could fathom.

"What happened today was not in your control, it isn't your fault. This doesn't make you an inadequate husband, it only makes Frank an inadequate father. You still came to save me." She looked down "you didn't have to, you could have let Frank kill me but you didn't. You found me"

Victor placed his index finger under her chin making her look at him, her brown eyes were sad, they held the smallest question in them and Victor knew the unspoken question was whether or not he reciprocated her feelings. She told him she loved him last night and whether she was aware that she said it or not was irrelevant.

"I would burn the world to find you tesoro," He said honestly as his hand traveled from her chin cupping her cheek "I would kill every man, woman, and child if it meant you were safe"

It was not an 'I love you' but Grace knew his words held value, she could see the honesty in his green eyes and it was enough for her. She never expected that Victor would be soft or want to cuddle and hold hands while whispering I love yous. She knew he could never be that person, it would be silly of her to expect that from the mafia king, but in his own way he expressed what he felt for her. This was his way of saying I love you and that was enough for her.

She brought her lips to his kissing him deeply as her hands wrapped around his neck and his hands gripped her sides as their lips danced together with passion building between them. Her heart beat faster at the feel of his touch and how every ounce of his soul was poured into the kiss. She felt his hardness grow between her legs as she placed more urgency into the kiss. Victor pulled away from the kiss looking into her brown eyes. He had very little control when it came to her but right now he just didn't want her to be hurt.

"I don't want to hurt you," he said softly kissing her shoulder

"You won't" Grace assured him with a small smile.

Victor lifted her slightly before she lowered herself onto him, she let out a small gasp as he filled her. She moved her hips slowly, being careful of her ribs, Victor's grip tightened on her hips as he controlled her movements, he spread kisses from her shoulder up her neck and along her jaw until his lips found hers again and a small moan escaped her as their bodies moved together. He pulled away from their kiss, his green eyes watching her as her face displayed all signs of pleasure, he wanted to say the words but just like this morning he just couldn't. Instead, he kissed her again with more urgency as he took control of her movements pushing into her and making her moan louder. Just like the very first time they were intimate, Victor felt that same invisible cord that tied around his soul connect to hers, this was everything he could ever want or need. Grace was his sole reason for existing, she would be the be-all and end-all of him and he'd happily give his life for hers in an instant without a second thought because a life without her didn't seem worth living.

He felt her walls begin to close around him as she moved to match his. He felt himself on the edge along with her and the more she closed in on him the further his control slipped, with a loud moan Grace felt her orgasm push through their restraints as pleasure enveloped her whole body. She moaned breathlessly as she felt Victor pulsate inside of her.

They sat for a moment longer both in their post-orgasmic glow, it seemed different as they sat holding onto one another, each of them knowing that it was impossible to ever let this go.

"Let's get some sleep tesoro, it's been a long day," Victor said before pecking her lips softly and lifting her slightly. They got out of the bath and changed quickly before heading into their bedroom hand in hand. Victor helped Grace to bed, his heart churning every time she let out a painful hiss. Frank Brennan could thank the gods he had an easy death.