
Amelia already hated the family they planned to marry her into. She got that they were eager to tie them together, but how could they come visiting without her said future husband? She knew she wasn't eager to get married but that doesn't mean she wouldn't have preferred seeing whoever she was meant to spend the rest of her life with. It was only those who had nothing to do with the marriage that had come visiting. She was seated between her mother and Ava, while her father sat in front like the chairman of the occasion. Her future-in-law was sitting opposite them, and the mother-in-law's gaze had not left her since she came. She whispered something in her father – in – laws ear.

All Amelia felt at that moment was as if she was good about to be sold away. She felt her skin itchy and wished she could just leave the gathering. But, a gaze from her father was enough warning not to try anything funny.

"How have you been?" Her father said with a smile toward the Afonso. He had never smiled at her in that manner.

"We are good. Thank you." Mr Afonso responded, then continued, "Now that my son is back, I think we should have this wedding at the end of this month."

Amelia wanted to scream. They weren't even going to give them enough time to get to know each other. They don't care if their children wanted to be together or not. Amelia understood that she was being sold out because she was illegal, but what about Micheal; was he also illegal? Was that why his father had kept him secret all the days of his life?

"Ending of the month is just perfect. Since there is not much to prepare for. We will get Amelia ready before the day." Her father responded with a huge smile on his face. Amelia knew what that meant. The earlier she married, the earlier her father could deal with his debt and forge ahead with his business. She felt a tiny pinch on her left and glanced at Ava who winked at her.

"We will also send Mike over, so you can get to know him before the end of the month. We wouldn't want you getting too surprised by your son–in–law."

Son-in-law her foot, Amelia whispered. She didn't understand her importance at the meeting when they wouldn't allow her to speak a word or make any contribution. The only surprise they were all going to get was the bride not appearing at the venue of the wedding. There was no way she was getting married at the end of the month. The moment they had to finalize the deal, she was sent out of the room, and back to her room. Amelia would have run to her room, but her mother's voice that it was not ladylike to run was the only thing that kept her walking fast. The moment she got inside she heaved a sigh of relief; Loveth was inside waiting for her.

"How did it go?" She replied. How did she expect it to go? It was as horrible as every meeting she had ever held with her parents. She ignored Loveth, moved to her closet, and started throwing her things inside her box.

"What are you doing, miss?" Loveth whispered. Amelia continued her task; she dropped her gowns, tops, trousers and a few toiletries. She made sure to pick only things that she considered important; things she can't survive without. "Miss, you can't be serious about running away? You don't even know anyone. You don't know anywhere. What will you do after running away?"

She hadn't thought about it that far. All that matters right now was that she was going to leave the house. "What do you want me to do? All this is looking too real. The families are here too. Do you expect me to sit down here, smile and then end up with some stranger?" She sat beside the bag, and then felt a drop of tears on her cheeks. "Why am I living this way? I didn't beg to be born. At least, they should allow me to live my life the way I wanted. It's not too much to ask."

Loveth smoothed her back slowly, "I know you must be angry right now, but running away is not the best, miss. The world out there is dangerous."

Amelia knew that much but living her life the way her parents wanted it was not the best way to live. She was now shedding tears confused as to what to do; a knock on the door got Loveth flying off the bed, and Amelia wiping every tear from her eyes.

"If it's not the upcoming bride," Ava said in a sing-song. Loveth bowed and excused herself, she wouldn't want to be between the sister's fight.

"What do you want?" Amelia responded. Ava did not respond but she moved deeper into her room. She glanced around and when her gaze landed on Amelia's box, she smiled, "It's good to see that you are already getting ready to move out. I bet you are excited to get married and all that." She cooed, "And here I was thinking you are all innocent with the way you act. I had no idea you are anticipating this already."

Amelia was quiet; it was better that she assumed that. If she had any clue she was planning to run away, in a matter of minutes, her parent would hear about it, and she would be under tight security.

"You are eager about it," Ava said shocked. Suddenly she looked sad about it. Does she care about it? Amelia thought, or was the fact that she might be happy to get married that painful for her step-sister to bear?

Amelia feigned her smile, "I will be happy wherever you are not." Ava gave her the famous deadly stare. Amelia smiled widely, glad she could get a reaction out of Ava.