
Angie, Amelia's stepmother had never sucked to anyone before in her presence. She acted as if she was a force to reckon on her own, but right now she found herself as her stepmother's point of interest. It was as if she was literally sucking up to her. She sat in a corner of her room giving orders to maids who were working on Amelia. If Amelia didn't know better, she might have thought that it was the said wedding day. They bathed her and dressed her up in one of the designers wears her stepmother bought her. They changed her hairdo and also completed her makeup. Amelia barely recognized herself when she glanced at the mirror.

For the first time, her stepmother had strictly forbidden Ava from coming into her room at that moment. According to her what she was doing was serious business, and Ava could mess it up. Amelia almost laughed out loud, she didn't need Ava to help her in spoiling their plans, she was more than enough to do that for herself.

When they were done, her stepmother excused the maids. Amelia felt as if she was left alone with the devil himself. Angie's gaze was fixed on her with total concentration, "Listen to me, Amelia. Whatever I am about to say right now, I won't say it twice. So, I want you to pay attention. You are meeting your future husband today, and I want you to behave like a lady. You are representing our family and I won't allow you to tarnish our image."

Amelia was not interested in every word she had to say. She knew where the speech was heading, so she zoned out while she focused on the voices in her head. 'How about asking some of her online friends to help her out?' If they knew she was in a difficult situation, they would help, right?

A tap on her knee made her face her stepmother, "Did I make myself clear?"

Although, she didn't hear anything her stepmother said. She nodded, "I will act like a lady, ma." She assured her. Relieved that Amelia was going to act according to how they wanted her to, her stepmother left the room.

Without wasting time, she started packing the little she could in her handbag. At least, if she had something to change with, she could always buy new clothes after getting a job. She didn't care for the stuff she was packing in the bag. She only needed a few things that were going to fit in the bag she was taking with her.

The presence of Loveth back in the room brought a smile to her face. She was going to miss Loveth, but her mental health was more important to her.

"Miss, I have seen your future husband. He is so fine." She gushed. Curiosity took hold of her like she wasn't going to see him in a few minutes, "Is he that fine?"

She swooned, "I have no idea why his father is hiding such a handsome man. He is very fine." She started comparing her to the men we see online, and according to her, his beauty was way more than her fantasies. She looked at her expectantly as if she was expecting her to change her mind all because of that, but when she didn't say anything. She continues, "Are you not curious to see him?"

Amelia sighed, "I'm curious but I will see him in a few minutes so what's with the rush." True to her word, there was a knock on the door. Loveth went to open it, and one of the maids told her that her presence was required in the living room. Amelia thanked her and carried the bag she had stored some of her things. She guess, it was time to finally leave the house, she gazed slowly across the room before finally moving out. She was going to miss her room, but it was all for the greater good.

On her way to the living room, she started hearing voices from Ava's room. It was very rare to hear Ava shouting in her room, so curiosity took a better hold of her, and she followed the voice.

"Mummy, don't you like me anymore?" Ava asked. Amelia placed her ear closer to the door. She was having an argument with her mother, and then she had something she probably wanted that her mother was not giving her. Her stepmother's voice was low and she could barely hear anything from her.

"I don't care, mummy. I will marry the stranger. I thought he was just from a wealthy home but have you seen him? He puts celebrities to shame. Where am I supposed to get someone handsome and wealthy to wed? It's as if you are giving her everything on a gold platter. I thought you didn't like her.'

Amelia lifted her ears off the door. She couldn't believe what she had just heard. If Ava was able to change her mother's mind then her plan on getting away would be mission impossible. Amelia started walking fast towards the living room in search of the said 'very handsome man.' She had never been the type to care for looks. What she had always wanted was true love. Maybe not the fairytale kind of true love, but someone that would care for her because of who she was; someone that would understand her and try to respect her opinion; someone she could finally rely on as her family. Look had nothing to do with all that.

Her father was seated on his signature chair, while a young man sat in the chair closest to him. There were engrossed in their discussion that they had no idea she was in the room. She stood quietly trying to assess her said 'husband'. He looked good from behind just like Loveth had said, she was certain he would truly be handsome for Ava to be causing a fit because she wanted to be with him.

It was her father that saw her first. His face lit up in a smile, and Amelia couldn't believe it. She had no idea that her father knew how to smile. He had never bothered showing her his teeth before.

"Welcome, dear. Come and have your seat?"

Dear? Amelia thought she had heard wrong, that she had to glance back to make sure she was the only one in the room. Maybe Ava was somewhere close here. The young man who she assumed was Mike also turned back. Amelia felt her heartbeat skip. Loveth was right. He was more handsome than most of the celebrities they both crush on. He gave a tight smile but did not get up from his seat.

Amelia walked slowly to her father's arm. He hugged her sideways before showing her where to seat.

"Amelia, this is Mike Afonso, your fiancé." He turned to Mike, "My daughter Amelia. She is your bride-to-be."

Amelia had no idea how she was supposed to greet a fiancé that had just been introduced to her. So, she kept quiet and allowed her father to continue his speech. Mike was also silent. Amelia was more curious why the Afonsos had kept him hidden. It wasn't as if he had some sort of disease they could not show to the public. He looked too fine to be hidden the way he was. If she was asked, he looked more than fine. He looked beautiful.

"I will excuse you both to get to know each other better. Mr Afonso, I will like to see you in my studio before you leave. You can ask any of the servants to show you my studio when you are done.

Her father left with a warning look in his eyes. It was awkward between them, no one spoke a word. They sat there looking at each other. When Amelia felt tired of just staring without leaving the house not to talk of her implementing her plan to run away, she finally spoke. "Mr Afonso, I have a proposal for you?"

He raised his right brow, "A proposal?"

She could tell he doesn't believe her. They were meeting for the first time so it was understandable to her that he found it hard to believe. Yet, she nodded eagerly. Mike did not say anything; he only continued staring at her. Amelia took that as a go-ahead. She glanced right and left to make sure there was no one in their vicinity, when she glanced back at Mike, he had an amused look.

"Well, it is a really simple proposal. I get the fact that we are not eager to get married to each other. Why don't you let's do each other a favour?"

That only increased the amusement on Mike's face. "What sort of favour?"

She smiled, at least he was giving her a listening ear. Her family had never been bothered about things she had to say. In fact, they preferred her listening while they do the talking. "How about we get married like they want, and divorce three months after?"

Mike leaned on his chair, it was an interesting proposal. He had that in mind. He believed he was going to get married for his family's sake, and then he would get divorced from his wife. His father hadn't said he couldn't get a divorce if the marriage wasn't working. But, the moment Amelia walked in. He was attracted to her beauty, maybe that was what his father had seen and why he had insisted that it was Amelia he had to get married to. Whatever the reason was, Mike was attracted to her and every notion of getting divorced a few months after marriage had left his mind. Speaking to Amelia only increased his curiosity about her.

"Why divorce? Are you going to miss your family so much that you can't bare living with your husband? If that is the reason you don't need a divorce, we will visit often."

Amelia was quiet, she had no idea if she could confide in the stranger she was about to tie the knot with. She was about to speak when she heard the footstep. She remained quiet while Mike stared at her in amusement.

Angie and Ava stepped inside. Ava stood beside her mother batting her eyelashes at Mike.

"Mr Afonso, I will love to request a meeting with your parents. We are making a change. It's Ava here…" She pushed Ava forward. "… that will be your wife, not Amelia."