
"Are you having wedding jitters," Steve said beside Mike. He was dressed in a three-piece suit, alongside Mike. Mike had been quiet, reminiscing on Amelia's words about their marriage. He was thinking of ways to get her to change her mind about it. "Wow, man, chill. You are the one bringing the bride home. You are not leaving your home."

He turned towards Steve with a raised brow, "Can you just shut up? I am the one getting married, but you have been talking non-stop. I don't have wedding jitters, just needed some minutes to myself."

Steve nodded with a smile. He couldn't relate to Mike, but he tried to understand him sometimes. The pressure Mike was under was nothing strange to him, and he would have acted the same way. He couldn't imagine getting married to some strange woman, all because he wanted to please his family.

The car ride to Amelia's place was silent. The Afonso had gone with three cars; one for the groom and his best man, one for his parents, and one for Sharon. Steve was going to ride back with her, expecting to give the newly wedded some privacy while coming home. The moment the car stopped in front of Amelia's house; Steve grinned from ear to ear, while Mike took in deep breaths. He did a double take on his suit and confirmed he was carrying the wedding ring. He wouldn't want to piss Amelia off, giving her more ammunition to use against their marriage.

Getting into the room, Mike's eyes moved around searching for his bride, but in a quick sweep, she wasn't there. He let out a breath in relief and allowed his eyes to fest on how beautiful they had made their apartment in a short while. Nothing was indicating those getting married, but every other thing indicated that two people would become one soon. The priest who would join them in holy matrimony was also available. Remain the bride and everything was set. If it was up to him, he would have taken her to a proper church, and court to legalize the marriage, but their family wanted everything secret. Plus, they have enough money to bring everyone they needed to their home, while they complete the marriage in secret.

Mike saw no reason for this since everyone would end up knowing he was married.

He stand at the temporary alter the family had built, Steve behind him – this time quiet. As moments pass and the bride was not out, Mike couldn't help the thought that rolled in his head. What if she had run away to avoid the marriage? She had never hidden the fact that she didn't want to get married to him. His parents and sister sat quietly waiting for the bride too. Her family sat beside his smiling with all teeth; it looked forced to Mike but he doesn't care, as long as they bring out his bride.

The moment Mike heard the clicking of heels, his head turned towards the stairs he had heard it from. His eyes fixed on that spot, not wanting to miss anything. Wasn't the father of the bride supposed to be the one to bring her out? But her father was sitting beside her stepmother with a forced smile. Mike shrugged. Maybe, they couldn't care about it because there was no one to impress here. It was just their family.

Mike heard Steve gasping behind and tried to stifle a grin. His bride was beautiful. Her dress cling to her as if it was sewn just for her, and from a distance, he saw that she had light makeup, while holding her flower close to her chest. His heart swelled at the thought of calling her his wife. She flashed a smile his way, which he returned. Behind her was Ava who wore a glare at him. She didn't bother hiding the fact that she was unhappy about their union. She was pleased to let everyone knows how she felt about their union.

Amelia stopped in front of him with a smile. Mike focused on every little detail of her barely registering what the priest was saying until it was time for him to say, 'I do." He recited the little vow he had practiced in hidden, and Amelia also said hers and recited her vow. Soon, the priest pronounced them husband and wife. Before the priest completed the popular phrase, 'you may kiss your bride.', Mike already tugged her closer to him, capturing her lips with his. He savors the taste of her mouth and her lipstick. The more he kissed her, the more he pulled her closer until she responded to the kiss. Not wanting to take it to the next level, he pulled away slowly from her with a promising smirk. Amelia avoided his gaze and turned back to her parents. No one hugged her or cried that they were going to miss her. Sharon ran towards her and pulled her in a huge hug. "Welcome to the family, Amelia Afonso."

Mike loved how that sounded. Amelia Afonso. He smiled, after hugging his parents who congratulated them both. Steve also pulled Amelia into a hug. "It's nice to meet you. I am Steve; Mike's best friend."

Amelia nodded. After a while, they were all required to sign the marriage certificate, and the certificate was presented to Amelia. She raised it, while we took a few pictures with the camera Steve had brought with him. Mike's parents were so secretive they didn't allow any of the family maids to grace the occasion, just to congratulate Amelia. Mike was certain, they would be someone Amelia would miss and would have wanted to share her day with.

Once he was certain that she was officially his, he pulled her beside him with a smug. "Hello, Wife."

Amelia snorted to only his ears, "Remember our deal. I am backing on your promises."

Mike almost grunts; why couldn't she forget for a minute and enjoy the moment? The rest of the ceremony looked like a forced affair. Ava ran back to her room without waiting for meals, while Amelia kept glancing back at something. It was as if she was looking for someone. The maids were charged with helping with her little luggage; only the important things.

"Is there something you are forgetting?" Mike asked.

She shook her head slowly and finally said goodbye to her family. Just when she was about to step into the car, a girl came running. She wore some old clothes and an apron over it. Her eyes were red as if she had been crying. Amelia paused and ran towards her. She held her tight than she had ever done to any of her family, and then pressed something into her hand. Mike had no idea what it was, but the girl threw it in her pocket so fast. They mumbled a few words with each other before Amelia came back to the car with a slightly wet cheek. Mike turned back to check the lady who was already going back to the house with a shaky back. He couldn't help his curiosity, "Who was that?"

Amelia looked through the car window, "That was Loveth. We have been together since when I was a child. I will miss her dearly."

Mike nodded as if he could understand her feelings. If this girl was important to Amelia, she could help him in winning her, "Why don't we invite her to go with us?"

Amelia's eyes widened in surprise, "Is that allowed?"

He shrugged, "I have no idea, but I could ask your parents. It will be nice if you have someone familiar with you in a strange land."

For the first time, she gave him a sincere smile that tugged on something in his heart. She was beautiful, but with a smile like that, she was breathtaking. "Thank you, Michael."

His full name had never sounded more romantic in his ears. Maybe, it wasn't such a bad idea to be married.