Twenty Seven

The tying of the keyboard and random ringing of phones kept cutting into Amelia's thoughts. All she could think of was the picture Ava had shown her. What was it all about? Ava was ruthless that she hadn't told her any more information. She had insisted on her offer, and Amelia knew Ava would go to any length to achieve what she wanted regardless of who was hurt in the process. Amelia sat down with her head in her hand; the constant random thoughts were beginning to show signs of a headache. She was used to being alone in her room with only Loveth as her only company.

A shadow loomed over her, causing her to lift her head up involuntarily. Florence wore a smirk and thrust different folders toward her. "You came late to work, and you haven't been doing anything. Since you have all the time in the world at your disposal. How about you work on making photocopies of these files?"