[Thirty One]

'I'm sorry, Phoenix, but there was nothing much about Anne Devano. It was as if she ceased to exist twenty years ago, and most of the information about her was being erased. Did you get the name of the school she attended with your stepmother?'

Amelia stared at the message Vold as sent to her. After listening to Ava's words, she could barely sleep, and that resulted in her asking Vold for help since he was the only other person that knows about her mother. Why would anyone erase information about her mother? Was it her father, because he had made sure there were no traces of her mother left in the house?

"What are you staring at?" She heard Mike's voice. She had thought he was asleep as they had divided the bed, and she lay on her side of the bed. But his voice was as clear as day. She closed her phone and hid it under the bed. No one was to know that she was looking for her mother.
