Eighty Eight

When Mike woke up the next morning, Amelia was fast asleep. He moved out of the bed as silently as he could, trying to avoid waking her up. She looked so lovely asleep, so he planted a kiss on her forehead. Her forehead wrinkled, and he almost beat himself for waking her up until she sighed, turned, and went back to sleep. Mike let out a breath of relief.

He knew Amelia was already suspicious of whatever was happening, but he didn't want her to wake up before he left. He did everything as silently as possible before exiting the room.

The moment the door closed, Amelia opened her eyes and jumped out of the bed as quickly as she could with her baby bump. She picked the first dress she saw and wore it quickly. She waited to listen to Mike's car sound before she ran to the nearest car to follow him.