Ninety Two

As Mike checked his phone, he shared a look with Steve, and they both smiled. It was time to go home. Mike made a call to get a new car before they went home.


Amelia couldn't hide her anxiety after waking up and she didn't see Mike by her side. He had just gotten hurt, and she knew he might be on one of his dangerous missions. If only he could tell her about it; he keeps trying to protect her.


She stood beside the door and called him numerous times, but he wasn't picking up, which only scared her more. Her mother had tried peeling her away from the door, but it was useless.


When Amelia heard a car moving into the mansion, she ran out with Anne hot on her leg. She was super excited until she saw it was a different car, and her legs faltered on the way. The car stopped directly in front of the main mansion, and Sharon came out before Mike's aunt.