
Cronus's blue eyes widened to the size of saucers and flashed a brilliant electric blue. His hands sizzled with heat, and tendrils of flame flickered around his clenched fists.

"You will regret this, Zeus!" Cronus roars, his voice echoing across the sky. "I will find a way to escape Tartarus, and when I do, I will make all of you pay!"

Zeus merely rolls his eyes. "Empty threats, as always. You should know by now that you are not as strong as you may think."

With a roar, Zeus clenched his fist, and a fissure appeared in the ground beneath Cronus. The chasm opened wide to reveal an inky abyss that stretched far below.

Cronus screamed in rage as he felt himself being pulled in, the powerful gravity of Tartarus pulling him down until his voice faded away into the darkness.