Chapter 15: Danse Macabre

Colette set her phone down just on time for the butler to knock on her door and tell her that dinner was served. She got up from the desk she was sitting at and fixed her hair in a special mirror that wasn’t lined with silver backing - so she could see herself in it, of course.

Exiting the guest bedroom, the blonde wandered down to the dining room and gasped at the scene before her.

There were a number of women sitting at the dining table, and Arabella Bardot’s mouth was on the wrist of one such person, blood pearling at the corners of her lips. She pulled away when Colette gasped, motioning for her to come in, to sit and have a drink.

“I know that Nora must prefer chilled blood,” said Miss Bardot, wiping the corners of her mouth as the woman from before giggled, “But I prefer my meals warm and alive.”