Starting Journey

Zorth is already walking pretty far.

Fasmel: "Then... Were we ready to go?"

Kiwi: "Oooo!" She was really excited.

Then from afar, there's a sudden loud sound. We were all surprised by how loud it was. Then it follows up with 2 trees we can see from here, falling down to the left side at the same time. We could hear the sound of trees falling down from here too. Then someone yelled out from that direction.


Zorth: "WAHAHAHA!"

It was obviously from Zorth with their identical laugh.

Arhi: "Ummm... Is it normal to work like that?"

Fasmel: "Well... Maybe that's fine, it's actually my first time seeing Zorth working other than guarding the Kingdom."

Then Dai came toward us from the horse keeper.

Dai: "The horse cargo carriage will be ready sooner young prince. They say they need to be arranged for a moment, but it won't take long."

Grel: "Ah. Sure... Thank you..."

Dai just nodded to me.

Fasmel: "Then... Where we should-"

Before Fasmel finished her word. There's another loud sound coming from afar in the same direction. Even the civilians stop their walk and work to see where the sound is coming from.

Civilian: "What is that?" A female voice

Civilian: "Did we get attacked?" A male voice

Then it follows up with another 2 trees falling down to the left side at the same time. All of us, including the civilians, can see it fall down from afar.

Civilian: "It's just Zorth." Then people start to walk again and go back to their work.

Grel: "I think that's not normal..."

Fasmel: "Yea..."

Arhi: "Is he okay?"

Fasmel: "I don't know."

Kiwi: "Is he dead?"

Fasmel: "No."

Then from afar, we can see someone coming toward us. It's Zorth. He did not bring any log with him but only his ax weapon.

Dai: "Ah... The big guy is back."

Grel: "Zorth? Did you finish your work?"

Zorth: "Ooh! Grel!" He smiled.

He finally reached us.

Zorth: "Umm... I just get kicked by the people working on Woodcutter. He said the wood I'm cutting is way too crazy. I just broke the trees while cutting them, not even cutting them in line. Ahahaha..."

Grel: "B-Broken?"

Zorth: "Haah... The bottom part of the trees. Normally if you cut it, there's a line and procedure to make it fall toward some direction we want the tree to fall down. But I just swing my big ax to the trees. It blasted the bottom part of the trees and my weapon just pierces the other trees nearby."

Zorth: "And they said I need to stop working now because of that. Ahahaha..."

Grel: "Umm... That's... Amazing from you, Zorth." What is this manpower? He said just can make a weapon become hotter...

Fasmel: "Then where will you go now, Zorth?"

Zorth: "I don't know. Wahaha..."

Grel: "Hmmm..."

Grel: "Maybe you can go with us to Zorth if you want?"

Arhi and Dai: "Yes?" While looking at me.

Zorth: "Hoo... What an invitation."

Zorth: "But..."

He paused for a moment.

Zorth: "I just want to work like a normal person here. That's also the reason I quit becoming a guardian." He is still smiling after all of it.

Grel: "I see..."

Arhi and Dai: "*Fiuuh..."

Fesmil looking at both Arhi and Dai.

Fesmil: "Is something wrong?"

Arhi and Dai: "No... There's nothing."

Then Kiwi smelled something from her nose while still getting carried by Fesmil.

Kiwi: "Something is burning."

Fesmil: "Burning?" Fesmil tries to smell it.

Fesmil: "I don't smell any burning though."

Then from afar, there's someone yelling out.

Person: "ZORTH!!!"

Zorth: "Ah, I think I burned the trees by accident."

Time skipped forward where Zorth, Fesmil, Arhi, and I were on the side where the burning happening. I just put my shield near the gate for a moment and leave Dai and Kiwi there. It was right in the direction where Zorth just cut their trees with their ax. There's an actual fire from the trees where Zorth just cut before. Glad Kiwi can smell it from a distance, and we manage to take the fire together using a river nearby and a wooden bucket.

Person: "What a day... I fear the day is getting worse now... *Sigh."

Zorth: "Ummm... I'm sorry. Ahaha..."

Person: "I thought you would be helpful to us, but instead you just make the tree's value become half."

Fesmil: "C'mon now... He's new here, can you guys make it easy for him?"

Person: "Listen here young queen, I never get into trouble like this while I'm working here. And this is the first time happening to me."

Zorth: "Umm... Please don't fight because of me. It's my fault."

Grel: "Umm... Sir, maybe if you give him an axe, his power might not be a burden anymore. Since his ax is big, probably that's why it's happening."

The person looks at Zorth and his weapon for a moment.

Person: "*Sigh. Fine... Here." He tosses his axe toward Zorth. And Zorth grabbed it.

Person: "Try to cut with it." The axe is small like a normal axe. Compared to the Zorth ax weapon, its size was nothing.

Zorth: "Oooh! Thank you very much."

Then he walks toward some of the trees nearby. He put down the ax weapon he has first, then he swings the axe the person gives to him to the tree.

Zorth: "Hmmmm!"

It was a fast swing. He swings with his physical power too. Then as soon as the axe hit the trees, the axe handle just broke and the axe bounced toward us really quickly. We were all shocked by it, our eyes wide open, including the person. Gladly the axe flew above us and hit the trees behind us.

Fesmil: "I- I thought I was dead for a moment."

Arhi is scared, her body trembled so hard.

Zorth: "Aahh... The axe is broken." He was looking at the handle.

time skipped ahead. We all walked back to the gate, including Zorth.

Zorth: "Ummm... I'm sorry what just happened to you guys." He was still smiling after all of that. Probably that's how he is.

Fesmil: "That's fine, Zorth. We all did not get hit by it. So, don't worry."

Zorth: "Ah, glad to hear it."

Hmmm... when he swings the axe. He really put all of his power just for that swing and that little axe.

Grel: "Hey Zorth. Are you blessed really making the weapon become hotter?"

Zorth: "It is true, Grel. It was part of my power enhancement. I can show you that right now if you want to."

Grel: "Hmmm... I have a better idea though."

Zorth: "Is it about to go outside with you Grel?"

Grel: "Hmm." I nodded to him.

Zorth: "Ummm... I'm not sure about that Grel."

Grel: "Well, I'm just asking. It's fine if you don't want to."

Zorth: "Ahahaha... But..."

He paused for a moment.

Zorth: "If you insist, I can spare my time to try fighting with all of you if you want."

Fesmil: "Hooo! That's what I want! It's definitely a good idea!" She looks so excited.

Zorth: "Right?"

Grel: "Hmmm... That's a good idea. We can know each other more by doing it right?"

Zorth: "Hmm." He nodded to me.

Then after we reached the gate, I said goodbye to Zorth as we will be departing.

Grel: "Then, let's do it later Zorth. I can't wait until it comes."

Zorth: "Yes. I'm counting on you."

Then Zorth coming inside the Kingdom, waves to us, for a second time. Fesmil, and Kiwi waves to him too, for a second time.

Fesmil: "This day seems to have a lot of things going on, doesn't it?"

Dai: "Is there something happening?"

Fesmil: "Ummm... There's no-"

Arhi: "He swing an axe and it chop the axe itself and it fly toward us really fast, we almost died from it since we did not prepare for what was coming to us." She said it quite fast.

Dai: "Heee... Glad I'm staying here."

Fesmil: "Hey, Ahri. You can be rude to me but don't be rude to other people."

Arhi: "But that's what just happening."

Grel: "C'mon let's not think about that. So where is the horse right now Dai?"

Dai: "Ah, he said it will be ready sooner."

Then someone from behind came toward us. It had two horses in front and was already equipped with a cargo carriage. It probably was our horse.

horse keeper: "Aahh... Isn't it young prince?"

Grel: "Yes..."

horse keeper: "Thanks for waiting. Here is the horse cargo carriage. I will help to control the horse from the front for you since the destination is pretty far."

Grel: "Ah, Thank you very much."

The horse's size is the same, it is connected to a cargo carriage behind it. It is not long, but at least fits all of us. Then we decided to lift my shield together, me, Arhi, and Fesmil together since it was heavy to lift it all the way up to inside the cargo carriage behind. Then we departed and left the Might Kingdom.

We were going to the edge of the road, where the maximum distance a horse keeper can reach for a safe zone reason. It was probably taken about one full three day before we approached since the horse was moving slowly because it carries my shield and people.

We already came out from the forest of the Kingdom and saw the open field again. We reached another green open field where all the farmers were working. All the girls were sleeping when we reached here except me. It's already another morning and we haven't reached it yet. The horse keeper also asked for time to rest for a moment every day since it's still a long time to travel. When he sleeps, I jump off and look around at the green open field and take a breather, and starch my back since it is tiring just sitting down.

Then we continued again, and after 4 hours I gave him sleep. We reached another forest, this time the forest trees are bigger compared to Might Kingdom Forest. Then we got out of it, it was already dark again. The view just becomes different and we can see all of the stars clearly, Kiwi looks really excited after seeing it, and all of the girls, except Dai. She just had a flat expression her whole life. In front of us, There's a mountain. The road to get there is completely different. The field is still green but not greener compared to the open field we saw before. And we can see clearly at the top of the mountain, there's a wind spinning around on it. It's not a cloud or something but it's really a wind.

Then the horse stopped. The horse keeper looks back at the front.

Horse keeper: "We arrived young prince."

Horse keeper: "As you can see, this is what the mountain people are talking about. If the young prince is lucky, they said you can find one of the rarest crystals like what the King of Might finds."

Horse keeper: "And did the young prince know there's a village nearby here?"

Grel: "Hm? Village? This is my first time going here though."

Horse keeper: "Yes village, it was right behind that mountain, you will see a small village. It was a dwarf village."

Horse keeper: "Don't worry, you know Mr. Doon too. They will welcome you here anytime."

Then we all worked together to lift my shield down again and get out of the cargo carriage. Then the horse keeper left us thanking me after getting the payment.

Grel: "Finally we reached here."

Arhi: "Huuuh... I thought my back was going to be broken." While she massages her back by herself.

Kiwi was jumping around and pointing at the falling star in the sky. And Fesmil was also excited looking at it. Kiwi tails are also wiggling. Seems like she is excited to see it. I wonder if her world is the same as ours.