Isach, Heaven Leigh, and Madelyn approached the king and stood near the table. Isach's hands were clasped behind his back, and while he appeared to be at ease, his gaze darted around nervously. I shifted in my seat so I could look around, too, but I didn't see anything out of the ordinary.
"Zoya Coven, led by Isach Zoya, do you hereby swear to uphold the laws and traditions of the magical community?" King Harold asked.
In unison, the entire coven answered with a resounding yes.
King Harold stood tall and stiff. He really was not happy about this ceremony. "Do you hereby swear to fulfill your duties as the sixth and final royal coven, including hearing matters brought before the royal court and issuing fair and impartial votes at all times?"
I nearly snorted. Like he had any room to talk about being fair and impartial. Peyton sliced a look at me and shook her head.
The Zoya once again answered as one.