Chapter 3

The lunch break came, and Itzy ran to the restroom right away so she would not run into Loxley and her friends. Itzy always eats her lunch every lunch break at the restroom, ever since she became their target. Before, she didn't want to bury food because she wanted to be with her friends during lunch break in the cafeteria. But now that she has no one to eat with during break time and to avoid her bullies, she always hides food and eats it in the restroom.


Loxley, Jaxie, and Ireen didn't know about Itzy hiding in the restroom, not because they didn't care about it; they just had no idea that Itzy was purposefully avoiding them.


Who wouldn't avoid bullies like them? Besides embarrassing the person in front of many students, they are also hurting her with slaps, pulling her hair, kicks, and more.


Jaxie walked into the restroom feeling relieved that she had finally found a place to release the pressure that had been building up inside her bladder. She quickly scanned the restroom to find an available cubicle and walked towards it, taking long strides. After taking care of business, she washed her hands and walked out of the cubicle. As she was walking towards the door, she heard a sound coming from one of the other cubicles.


At first, she thought it was just someone else using the restroom, but then she heard a sound that sounded like someone was chewing. Her heart started to race, and she began to feel nervous. She had never heard anything like that before in the restroom.


Jaxie paused for a moment, trying to gather her thoughts. She wondered if she should just leave the restroom or investigate further. Her curiosity got the best of her, and she decided to find out what was making the noise.


She walked over to the cubicles and pushed the first door open. No one was inside. She did the same with the next two cubicles, but still, no one was there. Jaxie was starting to get worried and wondered if she was imagining things. She took a deep breath and pushed open the last cubicle door.


There, sitting on the toilet, was Itzy, munching on a bag of chips. Itzy looked up, surprised, and her cheeks bulged with chips.


"Hey!" she exclaimed, "I didn't know anyone was in here!" Jaxie breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little silly for being so scared, but being disgusted was evident on her face.


"J-Jaxie," Itzy said, surprised to see it was Jaxie. She immediately hid the food, even though she knew that Jaxie had already caught her eating.


"What the heck are you doing here? Are you eating here? So gross!" Jaxie exclaimed, disgusted at what she found out.


Jaxie walked out of the restroom, her face twisted in disgust as she stomped her feet and made her way toward her friends, who were waiting for her outside. Her friends noticed her expression and knew that something was wrong.


"What happened in there, Jaxie?" asked her friend, Liza.


Jaxie took a deep breath and began to explain what she had just witnessed in the restroom. "Guys, you won't believe what I just saw," Jaxie exclaimed, still feeling disgusted.


"What happened?" asked one of her friends.


"When I was about to walk out of the restroom, I heard someone chewing, and when I checked every cubicle, I saw someone eating their lunch inside the restroom. Can you believe it? Who does that? It's disgusting!" Jaxie exclaimed, still in disbelief.


Loxley and Ireen looked at each other, trying to stifle their laughter. "Are you serious, Jaxie? Someone was eating in the restroom?" asked her other friend, Ireen.


"Yes, I am serious! It was gross. I couldn't believe what I was seeing," Jaxie replied, still visibly upset.


"Ew, that's so gross," Loxley chimed in.


"I know, right? Who does that?" Jaxie said, still feeling disgusted.


Ireen couldn't help but laugh at Jaxie's reaction. "I mean, it's not the most ideal place to have lunch, but maybe they had no other choice," she said, trying to calm Jaxie down.


"I don't care. It's unsanitary and inappropriate. Who knows what kind of germs are in there?" Jaxie retorted, still disgusted.


Irene shrugged. "Well, I've heard of people eating in their cars or at their desks, but eating in the restroom is a bit extreme."


"I can't even imagine eating in the restroom. It's so unhygienic," said Loxley, crossing her arms over her chest.


"I can't believe people do things like that. It's just so wrong," Jaxie said, crossing her arms in front of her.


Her friends nodded in agreement; they were also disgusted by the thought of someone eating in the restroom.


"I mean, the restroom is for taking care of business, not for eating," said Loxley.


"I don't even know how someone could enjoy their food in a place like that," Ireen said, shuddering at the thought.


"I know, right? The smells alone are enough to put you off your food," Jaxie said, wrinkling her nose.


The conversation continued, with Jaxie and her friends discussing the incident in detail. They couldn't understand how someone could do something so disgusting and unhygienic.


As they talked, Jaxie didn't tell them who the person she saw eating in the restroom was. It wasn't because she didn't want to; she just felt like something was stopping her from telling them who it was. She had a clue why Itzy chose to eat there, but she also wondered if Itzy was aware of how unhygienic it was, if she simply didn't care, and if she just really wanted to avoid them.


Regardless of their intentions, Jaxie knew that she would never eat in a restroom, and she hoped that her friends felt the same way. The thought of it made her feel sick to her stomach, and she couldn't imagine ever doing something like that.


As the conversation died down, Jaxie and her friends went back to their classrooms, still feeling disgusted by what they had found out. They couldn't believe that someone would do something so gross, and they hoped that they would never have to witness it again.


On the other hand, Itzy let out a relieved sigh as she finally finished the last bite of her food. However, that feeling of satisfaction was quickly replaced by a wave of embarrassment as she remembered the incident that had just occurred. She couldn't believe that one of her bullies would see her eating in the restroom.


As she finished packing her lunch container into her lunch box, she couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over her. She knew what was coming next—the inevitable confrontation with her bullies. They had been making her life a living hell for a month now, taunting and ridiculing her at every turn. It seemed like there was no escape from their cruel words and actions.


She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. She knew that she couldn't let them see how much they were getting from her. She had to be strong. She bit her lower lip, a nervous habit she had developed over the years.


With one last glance in the mirror, she counted from one to five before opening the door. It was a way to ground herself in the present moment and prepare for what was to come.


As she stepped out of the restroom, she braced herself for the worst. She expected to see her bullies waiting for her, ready to pounce and make her life even more miserable. But to her surprise, it wasn't them that she saw.


Standing just a few feet away was one of her bodyguards, Jace. He had just come out of the men's restroom and was making his way to meet Laszlo, Ryker, and Linus.


Jace stopped in front of the door of the lady's restroom when he recognized her, and for a moment, they locked eyes. While Itzy did not know what to do, her feet were nailed to the ground, and she could not move. She just stood there, holding tightly to her lunch box while her mouth was half open.


As Itzy stood frozen in front of the restroom door, her heart racing with fear, she couldn't help but wonder what Jace was thinking. Did he know why she was in there? Was he going to tell someone? She clutched her lunch box tighter, feeling as though it was the only thing she had to hold onto at that moment.


Jace's eyes slowly narrowed down to Itzy's hand, where she was holding the lunch box. As Jace's eyes stayed there, Itzy's grasp tightened even more.


"W-Why? What are you looking at?" she asked, her voice shaking with anxiety. She couldn't bear the thought of someone finding out her secret and being exposed as an outcast.


Jace shifted his gaze to her face. "Are you all right?" he asked, his voice soft and gentle.


Itzy averted her gaze, feeling as though she was about to crumble under the weight of her emotions. She didn't want to burden anyone with her problems, but at the same time, she longed for someone to understand.


"Why wouldn't I be?" she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper.


Jace took a step closer, and Itzy instinctively backed away. She didn't know if she could handle anyone getting too close, not when she felt so vulnerable.


"Should I accompany you to your classroom?" Jace asked, his eyes filled with concern.


Itzy shook her head frantically, her heart racing with fear. She couldn't bear the thought of anyone seeing her with Jace and being judged even more harshly than she already was.


"Don't come near me. I'm fine, so you don't have to worry about it," she said, her words coming out in a rush.


She turned and walked past him, her steps quick and unsteady. As she walked away, she felt a sense of regret wash over her. She wanted to turn around and apologize for her harsh words and thank Jace for his concern, but she didn't know how.


As the class started, her mind began to wander. She couldn't help but worry about what might happen if her bodyguards discovered the bullying she was experiencing from Loxley and her friends. She was filled with fear, especially since she knew that her bodyguards would report everything to her father at the end of the day.


Itzy couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that Jace might have seen her come out of the restroom with her lunch box. She anxiously pulled her hair as she worried about what would happen if Jace told anyone about this. She released her grip on her hair, though, as the idea crossed her mind that she might consider the possibility of firing her bodyguards.


She knew that if her father had hired them to watch over her, she would have to be careful not to raise any suspicion. But she was also convinced that she needed to take matters into her own hands. She also knew that they had a mission to keep her safe, but she also had a mission of her own—to get them fired from their respective positions.


She wasn't sure how she was going to do it yet, but she was determined to find a way. Itzy was resourceful and clever, and she knew that if anyone could outsmart her bodyguards, it was her. She was willing to take risks and go to great lengths to achieve her goal.


"I can do it," she said to herself, her tone full of determination. She was really scared that her bodyguards and family would find out her secret, so before that could happen, she would eliminate them. All.