
Two week has passed since Veronica talked with Edith with the vigilante Edith , with the reporter they got really close but the blonde girl started getting distance with her

It was late night, Edith was out searching for crime, but tonight was very quiet, it was weird Zeus hasn't showed up since the fight at the docks, weird

Edith thought as she was on top of a building looking down at the city "you know you have a cool name but what about me?" Alex asked and Edith laughed

"I don't know what should be" Edith responded, and there was a little silence "I like snakes and I'm a hacker" the girl thought for a second

"Hack venom?"Edith asked and Alex laughed "nah that's stupid" he said and ate some of his Cheetos "then night watch" Alex Acutally thought about that name before

"I think that would be good" they began talking about superhero names

"Hey, guys" Bianca said as she entered the basement "did you give her a talkie thing too?" Edith asked

"Yes I did, and it's a micro headphone that has no limits" Edith sighed and Bianca just laughed "is there something interesting tonight? " she asked and Alex shook his head

"No not really" Edith said and jumped to the other building "wait" the boy said and listened to the police radio

"Edith go to concert, zeus is there "

He said "got it"

Edith was on her way, ten minutes and she was there "where is he?" She asked because he couldn't see him anywhere Edith looked around and saw explosives everywhere

"Nigthwatch call detective, there are a ton of explosives here counting down"

Edith said and Alex immediately called the goth girl "look detective the concert tonight, zeus wants to blow it up send there the police ASAP"

He said and Veronica didn't said anything just hang the phone up Edith needed a high spot to see where is Zeus

And she climbed up to a column and after five minutes she saw him, jumped down and ran there "hey there" the blonde girl said

"Oh violet, how nice of you to join"

He said and took a step closer to her

"Where are your people?" Edith asked and looked at him "well guess, by now your detective would be here right?"

He said with a laugh at the end "what did you do to her?" She asked gritting her teeth hard "I? I didn't do anything, but my people might have" he said and now he was standing right in front of her

"So do you save hundreds of people or you save one person, you choose" and he tried walking away but Edith turned him back around and punched him "that wasn't so nice "

He said and they began fighting, he was a good fighter better than Edith he quickly put her on the ground "you are weak" he said and walked away leaving Edith on the ground

"Nightwatch, Veronica is in trouble go save her, track her down or something" she said struggling to get up she got in many bad punches, her rib was definitely broken

Then Edith had an idea, she went back to the concert and got on stage pushing the singer away from the microphone "people, you need to get out of here, there are explosives everywhere and the clock is ticking go as far away as possible" she said

And everyone began panicking, but they began leaving while she was watching the people leaving, Zeus's people surrounded her

There was at least thirty people around her, she might not be able to take down this many people at once but she has to try

"Alright boys let's do this" she said and put her hands up, two of them came running to her Edith ducked their punches, broke one arm and one leg and they were on the ground

She remembered her pistol, she pulled It out, and shot a few of them in their legs, she wasn't a killer, that why she only shot them there, soon she was out of bullets

One held down one of her arm she tried to get out of the grip but she couldn't it was impossible, then they all held her down and they began hitting her and kicking her

Everywhere on her body, while this was happening Alex managed to track down Veronica and they went to rescue her, she was tied up in an abandoned building

Thankfully she wasn't hurt, they untied her "violet needs your help" Bianca said as they walked out, they took her to the concert, and saw that now Edith was laying on the stage unconscious

They hurried there, and got her out before everything is going to explode they put her into the car and drove back to their base, and put her on a table

"We need all help, so we need you too Veronica" Bianca said and Alex looked at her "no she can't know" he said to her "then she will die, we're not enough, hell not even three people is enough that is why we need her"

"Look she's unconscious, we won't tell her she knows" Veronica suggested and Alex shook his head as no "no if you know, then you tell her"

He said and all of them hesitated to do anything

(Drop your opinion in the comments, have a nice day! Thank you for reading!)