Who said being a baby sucks? [Monarch's Pride!]

One month later...

There is a tendency for new parents to be overprotective of their children.

But my parents are way over than that, even so, I am their second child. This even worsened after the week when I stopped seeing those dreams. I say they are being overprotective as always.

Anyway, now that I am a baby, everything is going pretty well if you ask me.

I don't know who said being a baby sucks, but I am entirely against it. It is awesome, I would say. So awesome that I think being a baby is the most pleasurable and peaceful moment in your life.

I can lie down on my bed thinking about my past life. Freeing my mind and just diving into my memories.

Moreover, you don't have to worry about anything and do what you want.

It would be best if I were lying on the soft grass, while looking at the sky, watching the clouds chasing each other...

I am not lazy! I know I need to get stronger, unfortunately for me, people on this planet can't use mana before they turn 7 years old and awaken their power and talent.

So I am now trying to find something that can make me powerful without using mana.


I am hungry again...

I need to drink milk...

Don't get me wrong, maids in the house always come and feed me with milk every two hours, and I liked the taste of it. It was really sweet!

Guess what the milk is from?

Cow? No, of course not. Sure, it's delicious too, but this thing... It's the most delicious milk I have ever drunk! Obviously, after natural human milk.

It's the Unicorn Milk! Yeah, a unicorn's milk. Powerful and rare unicorn! the milk is in white like other types of milk but it tastes like some kind of juice, it makes you feel relaxed and peaceful.

But there is another thing that is wonderful about this milk, it is a high-grade treasure, [S] Grade at that. 

Its effects are miraculous: giving a high rate of healing and recovering mana.

But there is another effect that was discovered about the age when the second apocalypse ended. The ones who discovered it was anonymous but they shared it with the world.

And that effect was related to babies or children who have yet to awaken. It is said that consuming unicorn milk is useful to newborn children, strengthening their bodies and minds, lengthening their lifespan, and most shocking of all - improving their Potential. The most important part of the Awakening.

Since Unicorn Milk is a [S] Grade treasure, it costs millions of money. Only high-ranking Awakeners or rich people can have the privilege to access this treasure.

But regarding that, I don't have to worry about it, as our family is both rich and powerful. Even then there is no need to use the money to buy it.

And it is because of my maternal grandmother. Because she has a Unicorn familiar! Yes, she has a unicorn as her familiar beast. And-!

"Tap! Tap! Tap!"

Huh? Someone is coming?

Are they gonna feed me again?

"Good day, Little Master! I have come to check up on you."

Then I saw a girl about her mid-teens wearing a black and white maid outfit. She was my maid, her name was... what was it again? Was it Helena? Or Hazel?

Yes, Hazel!

Her name is Hazel. Not only she is a maid but a talented Awakener too.

I think she should be a [D] Rank Hero now, and her Talent should be "Barrier Mastery", [A] Rank Talent, which meant she would only be able to reach Rank A usually. Then her path to becoming stronger would slow down by a lot margin.

Anyway, using her talent, she can create barriers. Her barrier also varied depending on her affinity. And she had affinities with three elements: Wind, Water, and a rare type of element, Ice.

So, she was my guardian too in a sense, not exactly there would be someone who would be able to infiltrate our house, if not they were SS rank Assasin with "Stealth" talent in the same rank...

Back to the present, Hazel looked at me and started to undress me...

Wait? Undress? What is she doing? Oh, no!

Don't do it!

What about my dignity?

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(As you guessed his dignity as a Monarch was shattered during this 'incident'._

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Being a baby sucks!

Now, I believe in it and support this idea with my whole heart!

Whoever said this must have been very intelligent.

A thumbs up for them!

Because if the baby's mentality is that of an adult, it is utterly shameful.

I need to grow up faster and find a way to deal with this problem.

One year!

Will I be living in shame for a whole year?

No, I don't want it!


My eyes are...

They are...

Wait?! Why am I feeling sleepy?

"Sleep in a world filled with peace,

Close your eyes, and dive into the sweet dreams."

Oh, it is mom. Her voice is... soothing and beautiful as always... and my favorite song...


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"Sleep without a worry, my sweetie,

Close your eyes, and write us to your memories.




Sleep in a world filled with peace,

Close your eyes, and dive into the sweet dreams. "

"My Lady, Little Master has fallen asleep. Your Lullaby is wonderful as ever!"

"Yes, and thanks for your compliment, Hazel. And I hope you will continue to look after him. I will be leaving for another mission after one week. I will leave him in your hands."

Samiel's mother Nazia spoke slowly in a low voice after she ended her lullaby, she used a spell again.

She hurriedly came to her son's room after hearing his cries.

As she said, she was going to go on another mission again. Her missions would always be long-term ones.

She didn't want to leave her new child even for a moment, but she was a healer, so she had her duties.

"Yes, My Lady. I will be taking care of Little Master, and I love doing it! So, leave it to me!"

Hazel too spoke in an energetic, low voice and nodded her head happily.

She liked cute things and her Little Master was the cutest thing that she had ever seen, so she loved it.

"Thanks. And change his clothes when he is asleep as we used to, maybe the reason why he cried so loudly was this after all this is a strange thing to him or he simply dislikes it."

"Yes, I will follow your advice."

They would always do 'it' when Samiel was asleep, so he only saw it today. Furthermore, he didn't remember about this or it didn't come to his mind before.

But now, after he realized it, he would never stop before he found a solution to solve it. Or his dignity wouldn't allow him to sit still.

"Hmmm... My Lady..."

"What is it, Hazel?"

"Hmmm... I have a presumptuous request if you would allow me!"

"A request? Well... You may ask."

"Hmhm. Can I take a picture of the Little Master?"

"A picture?"

"Yes, a picture. He is so cute and I want to see it every moment."

"... Well, you can take it but only for yourself, and don't show it to others, you are aware of the rules right?"

"Yes, Thank you for your benevolence, My Lady."

"Well, I'm leaving... he is sleeping, we shouldn't disturb him..." Lady Nazia left the room. "Be careful not to wake him up..."

"Yes, My Lady!" Hazel replied to her master and waited till she left.

After Lady Nazia left Hazel looked at the baby who was sleeping without a care.

Then she motioned her hands in the air, it was as if she was clicking and pressing something. After some time passed.

"It is ready!" Hazel muttered and slowly came before the baby's face.

She gently kissed the baby's face and waited for a bit. Then she stood up and tapped many things in the air again. She was smiling and giggling to herself while looking at the air...


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