The Vampire Empire

The Vampire Empire was a vast and mystical domain, shrouded in darkness and ruled by the enigmatic Vampire Monarch, Dracul Noctis.

Instead of a typical kingdom setting, the empire was divided into ten powerful clans, each with its own unique magical abilities and territories.

The Clan Noctis is the royal vampire clan, and its members are direct descendants of the Vampire Monarch. They possess a wide range of abilities, including enhanced strength, speed, and telepathy. Clan Noctis resides in the opulent Obsidian Palace, located in the heart of the capital city, Ebonheart.

And Ebonheart is our, no, Grandpa Magnus's destination.

In order to reach the capital, he must cross three clans' territories.

Umbra Clan, Sylvan Clan, and Draconis Clan.

Currently, we already arrived at the heart of the second strongest clan in the Empire - the Draconis Clan - the home of the draconic vampires.