Strange Indeed...

"Aamon Ravenshadow, please come to the stage."

After his name was called out, Aamon, a kid with black hair and blue eyes ascended to the stage.

Under the professor's guidance, he successfully formed his core.

"Your main affinity is... Shadow."

"The secondary is... Space!"

The professor reacted with surprise as he announced the secondary affinity.

Aamon looked confused, wondering why the professor sounded so surprised when announcing his secondary affinity.

But they were short on time, so they quickly went toward the orb and checked his potential.

"A rank." The professor announced. But Aamon could discern the slight disappointment in the professor's voice.

Then was the final part - Awakening his Talent and connecting to the World System.

Aamon felt a little nervous as he remembered that pitiful kid who was unable to connect with the World System and didn't have a Talent.