Aamon's Unrefusable Offer

After Aamon, Samiel also 'performed' the technique.

Lord Magnus observed keenly, his eyes missing nothing. As Samiel concluded, Lord Magnus offered his assessment. "Not bad, but it lacks a little compared to your friend's," he said, his tone half-teasing, half-serious. "I guess you were slacking off on your training, huh?"

Samiel said as he bowed his head. "Sorry, grandfather. I will train more diligently."

Lord Magnus chuckled, a warm glint in his eyes. "Good. I have high expectations for both of you." He glanced between Aamon and Samiel before turning to leave. "We'll leave you two to yourselves. You can train or play as long as you want. And Aamon, just let us know when you're ready to leave."

"Yes, my Lord, thank you for your hospitality." Aamon bowed his head in gratitude. 'You don't know that I would rather stay here than return home.'

Then Lady Salma and Lord Magnus left the two boys alone, taking Safie with them.