All the Pretty Little Wounds

Rome, Italy.

Souline's pov:

I glanced at Alliana to check if she was awake, but she remained unconscious. "Is she okay?" Jax asked. I nodded, reassuring him. "Yes, she must've had a little too much soup and passed out," I lied with a smile. Gio raised an eyebrow, studying me. When we reached the hotel, I opened the car door and stepped out. Giana followed, allowing Gio to exit while carefully holding Alliana.

"Thank you so much, Jax," I said, closing the door behind me. Jax nodded and drove off. I entered the hotel to find it empty. Rushing to the elevator, I pressed the button, with Giana trailing behind. Gio hurried after us, Alliana still in his arms. We all entered, and I pressed the second-floor button as the elevator began to rise.