A twisting event [2]

I woke up find myself in cellar with thick steel bars in front of me, sitting in floor as my hands are chained. It seems I passed out but how? My whole body is numb. It makes no sense if sex caused this unless she is a succubus, but I am certain she's not.

It's too dark in this place, I could barely see my feet because of torch's light outside. My throat is dried, I need to drink a water, I am dehydrated, water! water! water! Only one thought is filled in my head is drink only. My lips is dried, my throat is dried as well, and I can't say a word.

My stomach grumbles in hunger and my throat become more dried, I can survive this kind of torment however this body is built in modern and not grow up in farming life so if I didn't eat for three days, I'll actually died in hunger.

Many hours passed yet no one came to give a food or drink, I can't think any other thoughts to escape. I am looking at ceiling in full of voidness to its pitch-black color, I can't see anything the torch light's is weak to illuminates the whole bar of cellar prison. Blind could only see white but what about me? I could only see is pitch-black in ceiling, I can't even see my body, my eyes are open, yet it feels like it was close.

I sleep without filling edible or water to my stomach hoping they give at least expired food tomorrow to satiate my hunger. I woke up in loud footsteps walking downstairs in cobblestone stairs. The lights illuminate more as this person walking to my cellar bars, the shadow figure is many as I thought it was Rosewood and twin, my face is giving blank face expression but deep inside me is scared when those people stop at my bars.

My eyes are widened as they open the thick bars in my cellar, my heart is pounding so fast and couldn't what faces be behind of their terrifying mask. Their eyes are emitting reddish glow with a sadistic smile that will forever carve in your memory, it was Ella, Rosewood, the girl I met in church, and my sister, they are all sadistically laughing as they are pouring a hot water over me. It burns like hellish fire in Gehena, but it is nothing compared to this yet it's so painful because of this frail body I am possessing.

*AHHHH IT BURNS! IT BURNS!!* I shout in agonizing in pain of this torment.

My skin is full of hot water burns, I feel being cook alive. My mind is going blank, but the pain is all over my skin. I begin to question myself for trusting someone I don't fully known, my mistake led me to another unfortunate fate, if I die will I reborn again or transmigrate to someone else body. They laugh so sadistically and look down upon me without sympathy nor remorse they are truly a monster. My eyes slowly close as I endure the pain to fade away. I don't know if they leave afterwards or not but I am certain tomorrow will be another torture.

I woke up in pain and distress, my face is unrecognizable as my whole identity is, my skin is like a water inside the balloon. will they end my misery- as loss of my thoughts I begin to question myself again why did this happen? What could be the reason they out me in this unescapable cellar prison and torture me as if I've done terribly to them, I am not even a criminal to commit a heinous crime to be tormented at first if so, then why?

They begin to torture me for two weeks it is impossible for someone to survive but what they've done is out of mind to torment someone, they fully heal me, it includes my hunger and thirst and torment me in every possible way to make a person lost his sanity, it is inhumane but for the last day of my torment as Ella told me in first week tomorrow will be the end of my misery and it is the day; they will eventually tell what is the reason of my suffering in hellish torment.

I woke up without sun's light nor chirps of birds, my fingers couldn't count the days I've been here without them visiting me once a day, perhaps its conclusion or in other words they visit me once a day and I count it in fourteen times. Yet I am fully healed my hunger as well and thirst, they have tremendous power... it can heal someone and satiate its necessity as human but it still missing part and it is the sanity. The walls that I've built up to ensure my sanity and humanity to any mental breakdown is slowly falling apart they did not physically torture me but my sanity as well.

Many hours passed wandering in my thoughts; they walk into my cellar holding a thick lasso and blindfold cloth, Rosewood tied the thick lasso in my hands and put blindfold as well, they dragged me, and we begin to walk upstairs. Thanks to my sense as one of the great soldiers in my previous life, I can sense what am I stepping into. We walk upstairs so many times as it begins my legs shaking in tremble of fear, they are many people but not an ordinary they are all same as Rosewood and Ella.

I can hear they are all laughing... they are all laughing at me. For what reason? We continue walking until we halt at something, and Ella tied me in tree, but I didn't sense the grass nor the fields of plant. My heart pounding so fast as my mind is confused why they are all laughing so maniacally.

They removed my blindfold to see a truly terror in my eyes, a nightmare that will hunt you forever, a terror that will drag you down to hell and fear that will shatter you hopes in pieces. They are all wearing mask not a mask used for masquerade but a mask with written of symbol in forehead of a crescent moon in color red. They are wearing fancy clothes as if tonight is more crucial than a king throwing a banquet for his first heir coronation.

A man in mask slowly walks into center of crowd, looking at me with those dreadful eyes and menacingly smile drawn in his face. He murmurs in front of me, enchanting some words and turn around as he raises his voice to enchant with the crowds. They enchant so loud and the tree slowly moving its branches and as it twigs grow and move as well.

Ella came to me as she slowly leans her face into mine to kiss passionately, they stop their enchant as Ella stop kissing me. The people intensely stare with hunger in their eyes, am I a lamb sheep will satiate their hunger, they are drooling over me, and Ella put her hands to my cheeks intensely staring at my eyes in depth of every corner of my soul.

"We are blessed with this curse we receive it as a gift, we accept its curse, we will thrive to serve our master to kept us as his pawn, a pawn that will help him achieve his goal... It is to devour this world in darkness, to enslave all creatures to make expedition to other planet, other galaxy, other universe. He who shall be a God if we sacrifice you, a sacrifice of two person in body, it is he who shall consume your ancient soul who lives in millennium years... And now we will begin to sacrifice you to our new GOD!!" My eyes widened in shock, the horror in crowd terrifies me in every part of my bones, my very dear eyes witness a one of true horror in mankind.

The man in front of me remove his mask with menacingly smile and reddish eyes glowing like blood, he pulled out his dagger with black sun symbol in center of quillion block then he slashes my throat as a lot of blood spurt and drool over my body, and the second time he slashes my throat my body moves its own and open my eyes in my chamber with a dagger near in my throat.

I look at the dagger near in my throat that in any move at least inch to touch my skin will surely slice my throat, my eyes crawled to where the dagger came from and see a two human shadow figure are looking at me with surprise, the other one swiftly run off in my window and the other one disappears in thin air.

I am befuddled to what really happened, I stood up quickly and run to my mirror to see the wound in my neck, there is no slash, slice, or wound only nothing to see. It is not a dream but a night terror. Why can't I hear my heart pounding so fast? I place my hand to right side chest to feel my heartbeat, but I feel like my heart stops beating, is this body is already dead?- A loud knocks at my door snap me out of loss in thoughts I immediately open it, Ella is holding a fold towel in her hands, she looks something behind me that I begin too nervous.

"What happened last night young master?" Her words strike me in fear and chills down to spine make my legs shaking in tremble, I gather my courage to look at her eyes as she is waiting for me to answer her question. I can see the reflection of my messy room as if I was drunk enough last night to make a ruckus in my own room.

"I was drunk last night." I reluctantly answer yet full of suspicious to her.

"Then shall I make you a cup of tea first?" She leaves to brew me a tea to fight my hungover last night. I walk downstairs and went to diner hall to see my father is eating with the man in my nightmare, the man who slashes my throat with his reddish glowing eyes. They both see me standing in doorway wearing a gothic tuxedo. He let out a friendly smile as he flashes his reddish glowing eyes before me.