String [1]

"Do you any have good relationship with the other symbol in this manor?" The boy shakes his head and quickly write in paper, but I bid my farewell to him because if the people inside this mansion is part of secret society besides me then they're watching every move or steps I do.

"Oh kid, sorry but I do need to leave now because I have an important appointment and of course I won't forget our deal, bye." I hastily leave with a chuckle drawn in my face; I went to garden again.

As I walk into hallway to went garden Ella abruptly shows as I open the door, she is holding a rectangular box in color black, it must be the meta; staff I ask, she hand over the box with my curiosity how can metal stuff fit in here in rectangle box, is it adjustable? or a magical staff? I did not take a peek, and now I will see Rosewood to check our little business. Ella quickly hands over the box and ran off to maid's room, perhaps she is so worried about her sister.

I leave without any transportation or what classic people say walk on foot to Rosewood's place unannounced. You could literally see with your own very eyes of people in misery being poor, those kids are ravenously hungry, yet all the upper class and noble folks are idling, seeing this famine in peasants. The middle, low, and commoner classes cannot help but to devour their conscience to not embarrassed themselves in society. This is why I hate royalties, it only diverse people in equality, classes, and opportunity. Those were things made nobles high in position because of their forefather's heroic acts to bestow an abundant wealth and lands to pass down in next generation.

I am not certain in peace and civil rights if ever I destroy the royalty, the people might wreck in havoc and chaos, but I only foresee the righteous act of mine and a fair justice I brought upon.

However, I am unable to aid them but soon the bourgeoise will arise in wealth whilst the nobles are panicking in their wealth and themselves. As far as I remember we walk on foot in dark alley and cross in undercity to an old church.

A boy flew over me and we both fell on ground; the stain and dust are all over my clothes and pants as well, I immediately stood up and grab the box as if it was intention to flew over me to steal this box. The boy slowly stood up in his position and seems quite injured in his shin.

The boy looks at me with a swollen in his right eye and bruises in his face, his face is beyond to recognize as human, a defect mutated human as what I could say. I can imagine all the bruises in his body even it covered by clothes or rags.

Three noble folks in tailcoat tuxedo and wearing and a hat, they walk where the boy flew over, one of them is holding a dagger unsheathed to its sheath, they somewhat surprised for an unexpected other noble class roaming in undercity, where all criminals, thugs, drug lords, and commoner are residing.

"Does that kid over there *Point his dagger to him* made you mess all over your suit?" The audacity he has to ask whether the boy made me look like a mess and covered in dust.

"Well, the undercity is full of hooligans which us noble class should be careful, but do you mind if I ask your name?"

"Venedetta, from Gargalano family, and rather than bothering me I believed you cause this incident to your fellow noble." They somewhat surprised as I expected because one of the Gargalano family is roaming in hoodlums of undercity.

"Forgive us, if that's what you believe however, can we-"

"I would like to buy him" They gasped and whisper each other for a moment.

"From what I hear in rumors you spent your wealth in little business with a middle class, but as I expect from Gargalano you have many ways to pay us handsomely."

"I invite you to my sister's welcoming banquet later at night and so we meet in woods near in banquet to price the boy" Yet they are surprised again, only a matter of fact that if they arrive in banquet, their family will suffer the word 'mourn and sorrow'.

"How can we possibly enter in Gargalano's mansion if we don't have a letter?"

"I believed us noble folks had a word of 'common sense', tell them you're my acquittances." They whispered at each other again and nods to signal that they agreed even one of them disagree to sell the boy to me. Their foolish actions will alarm others in mansion, yet this will be amusing to watch an opera orchestrated by yourself.

I approach the boy as he tries to walk away with his limping shin, I put my hands to his shoulder and tightly grip it as he screams in pain and agony, I slowly make him sit in ground, bowing his head like a puppy obeying his master's order.

"Boy, go to the old church and ask to immediate healing or whatsoever to heal whilst you are there ask the name Rosewood and tell him my word 'Venedetta invites you to a banquet hosted by our family for our dearest eldest daughter, who came back from magic academy. lastly you must come in Gargalano's manor beforehand to those noble folks I invited and if you do so I myself will grant you purpose." The boy still lowering his head, but I could his eyes looking at me. I gave the boy the box as I walk back again in mansion to clean my apparel.

I could tell whether that boy will do as I told or not, his eyes are full of despair and misery as if he wanted to die in quickest but not in painful way, however, there is something precious to him to keep himself alive, to struggle even the hope is slim and fading away. I am not a good person nor people pleaser; I am holding back to what truth word will come out to my mouth, sometimes I don't care what people say to me after what I only told the truth, I don't know why people still holding and embracing the fake than the reality just like the boy still holding in hope that someday he will be loved by his precious, perhaps that precious is love then I don't want to be nosy, but one day he will eventually remold himself little by little to a new person and will thank me for what I've done to him.

I came back because I need to illustrate a big detail in my opera which everyone in this manor will feel true terror after what they've done to me. I begin to illustrate the red eclipse moon as I felt someone is watching me, I look around, yet I did not see anything around me or odd in my room, still I can feel the eyes watching me, I stood up quickly to lock the door and window. I pause illustrating the red eclipse moon to draw the sun in what I saw from the Ella's younger brother, each move of my hand to illustrate it the more I feel someone is walking slowly behind me even though I already look around me.

My heart pounding so fast in excitement illustrating the sun until I feel an unexpected chills in my body and my heart stop at beating for a second when someone put their hands in my shoulder. I felt the death in his hand, it tightens the grip and I sense the other hand has a knife that will stab my left side neck.

The heavy of air which the arm will curve to stab my neck surprisingly- No! as expected, the Rosewood's dog quickly enough to parry it and blast him in the wall. The killer flew in wall agonizing in extreme pain he took to fell unconscious; I gaze at Rosewood's dog with a sinister smile vividly drawn to my face as if all this thing was planned and I anticipated him to took down the other party's assassin.

This person capricious man is difficult to read even but I know why he did not move or falter to his risky decision, yet he precisely planned how to lure out the unseen enemy. I am aching to kill this man before he harmed Rosewood or my twin sister and if that happens, I will not hesitate to-.

"What 'cha looking at boy? Aching to kill me? before we go that part tie this man because he will suffer in worst- No! he will suffer beyond human imagine." This dog can kill me anytime, yet he can't because I am protected by Rosewood's deal. Nevertheless, even I did not make any compromise with Rosewood this dog still cannot kill me because Ella would probably save to repay what I did for Ella and her siblings.

"I simply protecting you to any harm or risky situations." How can he have the audacity to order me around his imprudence and inanity will surely lead to his death.

"Is that so... Such a shame if any people see this man lying around in my room the police will probably take me in custody and I will snitch Rosewood to get her involved or the inspectors will suspect our compromise if this is involved of it so what do you say filthy dog." He is trembling in fear of what will happen to her owner, then he must obey me because I am the string that will strangle him to death and connected to all parts of Rosewood's goal, I am the string that will serve as bridge, so if someone is trying to untie the leash in bridge and they succeed he will witness Rosewood's goal shatter apart before him.

Yes!! I am 2 steps ahead, but I'll make this more interesting if I reconnect the deaths of few nobles of couple weeks ago and this will let Ella to surmise the case to uproar and bewildered my audience in my opera. For the Grand part the three noble folks I invited will cast a dead to make such big detail to make all people in this mansion cause a chaos and turmoil to fight amongst themselves whilst Ella is gathering information about them as I also cause commotion in dark triangle to make myself appear as white knight to Rosewood to gain her trust and affection.