Eliza's boyfriend

Amanda turned her head towards the direction of where the voice was coming from. A blonde haired girl sat beside her eating a bag of potato chips staring at her.

"yeah". Amanda replied.

"does she treat you badly". She asked still munching her chips.

"no! not really." She replied.

"well then nice to meet you I'm Stella but you can call me Ella for short."She introduced herself.

"nice meeting you too I'm Amanda". She said.

"that makes us friends right." Stella asked.

"sure why not." She replied softly.

Amanda was so happy she now has a new friend, she wasn't that good at socializing so she didn't have many or should I say no friends but now on the first day, she's got a new friend. At noon detention was over as Amanda and Stella got out of the room and headed to the cafeteria to grab a bite.

"so what's your major." She asked Stella.

"medicine." She replied.

"OMG! me too." Amanda exclaimed when suddenly someone caught her eye, it was the guy she met a few days back at the principal's office. He was dressed in sweat top and pants walking towards our table.

"wait he's walking towards this direction? but why? does he recognize me?"

Amanda tried to control her racing heartbeat when the guy suddenly walked past her and sat on the table beside them. Amanda felt quite embarrassed and relieved.

"why don't you finish up and let's head back." Amanda suggested as she quickly shifted her gaze from the him but Stella was quick to notice.

"he's one of the most popular guys in school". She said wiping her lips with a tissue.

"ugh...who are you talking about." She asked confused.

"you were staring at him." She said as she smiled at her new friend.

"no I was not." Amanda blushed.

"well sorry to say that but he's taken". She said sadly.

"taken? how and by whom?" She asked.

"your roomie Eliza's boyfriend." She said.

"what? Eliza has a boyfriend and I didn't even know but wait what did she except she doesn't even talk to me." She sighed.

"shall we leave now." Stella asked interrupting her thoughts.

"yeah sure." She smiled akwardly as she grabbed her bag and left the cafeteria with Stella.

"so what should we do next." Stella asked Amanda as they walked out of the cafeteria.

"not sure but I think I'll head to the library." Amanda replied.

"quite not my thing I think I'll catch you later." Stella said and waved goodbye before disappearing into the crowd.