Can we be friends?

"nothing". He replied.

"seriously,why would a famous guy come to a no girl like me without having any bad intentions". She said.

"I know it's a dare or a bet, you can just tell me I won't get mad".

"(laughs) wow! so you think I'm with you because of some dare". He replied.

"remember what I told you the other day at the cafe."

"I told you that I'll like to know you more." He said.

"can we be friends?" He asked.

"errm...I don't know, I just need some time to think about it." She replied anxiously.

"what's there to think about it's not like I'm asking you out or something." He chuckled.

"funny right." She sneered.

"anyways I'll head to the hostel I have to work on my project." She said as paved way for herself and started walking away.

"hey wait up, you haven't given me an answer yet." He called as she ran into the hostel.


"dude you didn't even show up at our last hangout." Charles argued.

"I'm sorry I just have a lot of things to deal with." Jayson replied as he changed the channel.

"it's okay bro, so clubbing this weekend." Chris suggested, suddenly landing on one of the bean bags.

"no I need to work on my project, it's due this weekend." Jayson sighed.

"okay we'll have fun without you then." Charles shrugged.

"have to spoken to Eliza yet?, she was really worried about you." Chris stated looking at Charles for support.

"yeah have you met up with her?" Charles asked.

"no and not anytime soon." Jayson replied as his friends looked at him, their mouths opened wide surprised at what he had just said.

"what's wrong is anything the matter?" He questioned.

"Charles, Chris there's something I'll like to tell that I haven't had the courage to say to you two." He looked up to face his friends,the ones who had been with him for so many years" I'm leaving". he declared as a tear drop fell from his eye.

"what!" the two said in unison.

"how?why?" Chris asked.

"I'm leaving for the states after this semester." He said.

"so you won't be graduating with us." Charles asked.

"yes, I'm leaving after the summer break." He stated.

"mom has made her final decision we'll be relocating to the states to stay with my grandparents." He continued.

"and your dad." Chris inquired as Jayson expression suddenly changed.

"he's a monster, I hate him so much. He left mom and I for another woman." He said anger rising within him.

"calm down bro, I'll be there for you... we'll be there for you, I promise." Charles said as Jayson gave both of them a hug.