Where is Charles?

Eliza entered into the room to see Amanda reading a novel. She slowly closed the door and landed on her bed before she spoke

"Is it only reading you love doing." Eliza asked, her eyes closed as Amanda turned to look at her.

"Are you talking to me." Amanda asked.

"Isn't it obvious." She replied, this time her eyes wide opened as she sat upright.

"I'm sorry... it's just that we haven't spoke normally to each other since I arrived." She replied nervous.

"Don't worry...I understand,I've also been a bad roommate ever since that night that my brother fell into coma." She sighed.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean t-" Eliza cut her off

"You don't have to apologise, it's Chloe who turned me into what I was before." She confessed.

"You know you're the only roommate that I've ever gotten along with apart from Ella." She continued.

"Was Ella one of your roommates?" She asked.

"Yes." Eliza replied.

"I see."

"Um... Amanda do you want to hang out with the rest of us tommorow, we are going out for shopping." Eliza suddenly asked which made Amanda open her mouth in shock.

"I don't know...what if the other's don't want me there especially Addison, she thinks I stole her boyfriend." Amanda sighed.

"But you didn't, Addison was the one who broke up with him first besides she never treated him nicely." Eliza shrugged.

"Oh!". Was all Amanda said.

"So are you coming?" She asked.

"Sure." Amanda said as she gave a warm smile.


"Dude we'll miss you so much." Chris said as he gave Jayden a hug.

"I also will." Jayden replied.

"Where is Charles?" Jayden asked.

"He was supposed to be here to see you off." Chris replied.

"Then where is he?" He inquired.

"He must be in his room...he hasn't said anything since this morning."He stated.

"Why is that?" He asked.

"I don't know, I only remember him saying he was going to the library to study with Amanda and since then he's been moody." Chris explained.

"I see what happened here." Jayden chuckled.

"I'll be back soon just wait here for me." He said as he dashed into the other room.


"Chris I told you t-"

"Jayden" Chris said as he sat up straight.

"It seems you forgot to wish me farewell just because of Amanda, lover boy!" Jayden smirked.

"No it's not that...wait are you going today. He asked as he looked at Jayden with a shocked expression.

"And you said you didn't forget."Jayden shook his head disappointed.

"I'm sorry I just have a lot going on my mind right now." Charles sighed.

"Then tell me." Jayden said.

"What did you tell Amanda? Did you tell her how you feel? Did you tell her that you love her?" Jayden asked as he stared at his friend.

"I didn't tell her any of those things." He replied.

"Then what did you tell her?" He asked again.

"I asked her if she was still going to marry Sam Taylor."