Chapter 7: One Last Breath

Spirit sat alone in the room with Hana for what seemed like forever, at least that's what it felt like with how slow time had been moving. Placing another round of damp rags on her forehead, her fever had increased considerably over the last handful of hours. He had focused so much on her he hadn't even realized how exhausted he truly was. It took everything he had within him not to pass out as he watched over her.

"Spirit...?" Hana spoke weakly, gaining the attention of the young man. Who was surprised that she even had any strength to speak at all. "Could....could you open up the window....It is really warm in here."

It had been warm in the room for a few hours now, as a result of the power in the city having finally been cut off. Even though it had only been a day since the outbreak had started, the military had thought it wise to cut off the power in an attempt to lower the stress of constantly running electricity; has on the nuclear powerplant that was to the city's north. If it were to begin to go into its nuclear meltdown phase, any hope of survival that those not infected by the disease would be cut short almost instantly. So the Japanese military, in conjunction with world organizations bounded together in hope to keep the reactor from any form of meltdown. Which made the struggle much more compounded when the constant noise caught the attention of most undead in the northern portion of the city. Making it a constant battle.

Nodding his head slowly. Spirit walked over to the windows closest to Hana, stumbling in the darkness of the room. Even though his eyes had adjusted rather well to the lack of light, it was still rather difficult to move around the room, which had a rather large bed in its middle. Which was covered in comfortable blankets and sheets, which added to helping aid in the recovery of his friends.

Upon opening the window, Spirit instantly regretted doing so. Being greeted by the sight of numerous shambling bodies moving through the alleyway that the window led to. Even in the darkness which was cut through just slightly by the faint moonlight of the waxing phased moon. It was the only way he could see the bodies that moved through, almost as if they were searching for something.

But upon opening the window, the breeze that blew through the small crack he had made, immediately made the painful warmth of the room go away. Looking towards Hana, Spirit couldn't see her reaction. So it was hard for him to tell if it made any difference to how she currently felt. He was doing everything he could to make her feel as comfortable as possible, especially not knowing if she would even get better.

"Does it feel any better?" Spirit would question in a hushed whisper, which was just loud enough for Hana to hear, and not garner the attention of the bodies outside the building.

"Ye...Yeah...Lots." Hana responded after several long moments of silence, which from the sound of strain that could be heard in her voice. Took a lot of energy for her to even get those two words out.

Tsuki sat alone in the lobby of the hotel, having spent the last few hours letting her mind run rampant with dark thoughts, and the events that had happened over the last several hours. Having watched so many people be eaten alive, so many people getting eaten; and all she could do was run. For her own sake, for her own survival. It was the entire reason Hana ended up bitten, and now she was dying.

She felt so bad about what she had caused. She couldn't stand what she had done, feeling the tears that were streaming down her face. And the pain that buried itself deep insider her. That she didn't even know how to cope with it, hell she didn't even know how the others were managing to cope with it. Were they even coping with it?

The only thing she had been able to do to even begin the thought of coping with it was letting her tears run rampant, and her heart and mind shatter. Today shouldn't have happened, it couldn't have. It felt almost as if she were trapped in a nightmare. Yes a nightmare. yes that's it, she was just having a nightmare.

That's the only part of it that made sense to her. Because, there was no was that this was real, no way that people would just die all around her.

Hearing the droning sounds of the mob of footsteps outside the door. Further adding to the insanity she was leaning closer and closer towards to. So much so she began to laugh, not a quiet laugh which she probably would've thought about releasing if she had any remaining form of rational thinking. This was a loud laughter that rang through the walls of the Love Hotel, that would've garnered the attention of anyone. Even that of the monsters that walked just outside the boarded up doors.

Spirit had just returned to sitting in his chair, that was set close enough to the bed, so that he could easily reapply her cloths. Just anything he could do to make her feel comfortable.

"Hey you remember that time we went camping and Kazui rolling down the hill as we were returning from our trip?" He spoke softly, trying his best to keep her in a somewhat decent mood. With as far as he could tell, it was working.


"And, we all were shocked at first. Breaking out laughing, it was the first time I had seen you laugh so hard. I felt like I had finally gotten the chance to see you as a person for the first time, not being burdened by the expectations of your family and the school."


"Then Yui had the bright idea of following in Kazui's footsteps, before rolling down the hill herself before the rest of us followed."

"y..." She breathed rather weakly as he breathing grew more and more shallow.

"And...And we all just laughed having a good time enjoying our lives...before we all admitting how much we cared about each other....about how much we loved each other." He continued speaking as her breathing grew weaker and weaker. As with each breath she took obviously taking more and more energy to expel. Signaling just how close she was to dying.

It pained him to no end witnessing this, his voice broke completely before he could even formulate the rest of his sentence.

Sitting there he watched in the darkness as Hana died right before him. With all he could do was cry.