Standing in the elevator silently Xandria blinked in curiosity as she watched all of the buttons glow. Having pressed every single button out of curiosity, she had found herself trapped in a never ending cycle of starting to move up, only to stop a minute later with the door opening to show yet another abandoned hallway.
Making an O shape with her mouth as she watched the elevator doors close once more. Xandria finally was making her way up to the last floor she was supposed to go to. The ground floor, with what was supposed to be a mild five minute excursion, she had turned it into a neigh forty minute elevator ride to the surface. Which would be enough to drive any normal person insane, but in the case of Xandria, she wasn't normal, she was far from it.
Upon finally reaching the ground floor, the elevator doors opened to the ground floor, showing her a sight she honestly didn't know how to deal with. Seeing that the ground floor had quite a few shambling bodies walking about.
Not knowing any better, she walked up to the closest one. Which used to be an elderly gentleman, now turned monster.
"Hello Mister, do you know where I could find the closest koutou gakkou?" She questioned in her emotionless tone, which was yet another side effect of how she was given life. One she didn't know if she should or shouldn't mind. Either way to her, it didn't matter.
The shambling zombie turned towards her, and out of the instinct that was now driving it at this point. Lunged forward at her aiming to feast upon her. Though it didn't make it more than a step forward as it fell to the ground, soon followed by its head.
"You could've just said no." Xandria muttered to herself quietly holding her scythe fully elongated in her hand. The blade now running slick with some of the blood from the zombie she had just beheaded.
The noise of the body hitting the ground earned the attention of the other undead as they all stared in Xandria's direction. Blinking slowly she looked to the one that was on the ground before her. She compared the body on the ground and how lifeless it had looked. Well before she had removed its head.
"Oh. These must be the...what was it....Zombies? Yes zombies that the doctor was talking about. Maybe they need to be put to rest." She'd mutter twirling her scythe around in her hand before quickly going to work on the zombies.
About a minute or so later she was moving through the streets of Tsukana city looking around, the first thing she noticed was how destroyed the city had gotten. Looked almost as if a war had taken place here. With cars having crashed into each other, buildings on fire, and blood. Way too much blood. The only reaction Xandria had in that moment. Was nothing.
Her scythe was coated in even more blood having taken down several more undead that had came across her, and made the mistake of getting in her way.
Letting out a bored breath she continued moving down the cities streets looking for any signs of who she was supposed to recover. She didn't even know if it was possible to do, seeing as how far the destruction had progressed. One of the things the Doctor had told her, was under no circumstances was she to allow for him to get bit. Was it to prevent him from becoming one of the undead. Or?
Pushing the thought from her mind there was no way that, THAT was possible. Given how rare the event happening already is in nature. Maybe the simplest answer was that he was a really important person to the doctor, if that was the given case, then she was going to try with every ounce of strength she had to bring him in alive. Give or take a limb or two, maybe a finger.
A loud thud earned her attention, forcing her to turn in the direction of the noise. To see a man in all black, and a gas mask. Standing atop a car looking in her direction, at least she thought he was with how the gas mask was pointed in her direction.
"Are you the one responsible for all of this?" The man asked keeping a hand out of her view, for all she knew, he was preparing to attack her.
But this is where the first issue lie. She didn't know what language he was speaking, the words he spoke were completely foreign to her. Tilting her head she tried to read the man, but with how he was dressed made it nearly impossible to figure out.
"What?" Xandria responded in Japanese being that it was the only language she knew.
It was in that moment the man realized she didn't know a lick of English, this made things difficult for him to gauge if she were a direct danger or not. Having been tailing her for the last thirty minutes, he could tell she wasn't normal. Given how she had taken out scores of undead without breaking a single sweat, and there was no way she was a hunter. Simply due to the coloration of her eyes. They were a deep purple. Which was indicative of one thing.
She was an Infected. Given how the virus had surged through the city almost as if it were planned. He knew that it was the work of an Infected. Since there were no ways to infect another living being without being bit by one. Unless scientists finally broke through the barrier that kept them from removing the virus from one. Even at that it was impossible.
The man gripped the handle of his gun tighter in the hand he kept away from her view. Indecision played in his mind as he tried to figure the situation out.
Out of the facts he knew. It was safe to assume that she wasn't the one responsible for all of the things that had been going on. As he had seen her cutting them down, but it also seemed like she was looking for something, or rather someone. As with every body she had cut down, she took the time to observe it.
But as things were. There still wasn't enough information for him to go off of. Raising his gun, which was only produced during the second great war. An MP40. With a bayonet under the barrel making it additionally a decent slashing weapon.
He was going to have to remove this Infected from the scene. To eliminate a variable.