Slowly opening his eyes all Spirit saw above him was the smoke filled sky as the sun had finally pierced through the dark clouds. Painting the city in an eerily beautiful light, making it seem almost as if it weren't the middle of a post apocalyptic event. Rather made it seem as if there was just a handful of accidents spread across the city.
With all that he saw, it was almost enough to make him forget that there were even zombies walking about. Up until Xandria popped her head into his field of vision. Her face was still covered in blood, which had now dried up.
Looking away from him Xandria pointed down to him waving over to Damian waving her free hand to get his attention. "He's awake!" She spoke loudly in Japanese earning the older man's attention, standing he would walk over.
Kneeling down beside Spirit. Damian observed the kid taking in all of his features, mainly the color of his eyes. To tell the difference between an Infected and a normal person, especially if the person's natural eye color is green. The way to tell with green eyes is how bright the color of the iris is, accompanied with a faded streak moving around the curve of the iris.
Spirit's eyes were the basic dull green one would expect to see from a normal individual.
Well that rules out one possibility of why an Infected would be sent to retrieve the kid.
"You okay kid?" Damian asked holding out a bottle to the kid, which caught the attention of the girl.
Looking at him auspiciously. She eyed the water in a protective manner, unsure of if he'd done anything to it. Xandria didn't know how trustworthy he was, given how keep he had been on digging into her with his blades and bullets. It was just a shame that she couldn't understand a word that left his mouth, and for all she knew he probably understood every word that Xandria spoke.
Taking the water gratefully Spirit quickly drank it up, after all of the intense running for his life he had done, he truly didn't think he'd ever see a drop of water ever again. Continuing the drink the water down, he didn't stop until he heard the crinkling of the plastic bottle he held in his hand.
Letting out a content he returned his gaze to the girl who stood there watching Spirit. The main thing he noticed was that she was still covered in blood...that had congealed and was starting to dry.
And as if on queue, Spirit freaked out crawling away from the two monsters who stood before him watching him with their beady eyes. Well at least it felt like that was the look the girl was giving Spirit as she was still covered from head to toe in blood. Oddly enough, she looked innocent for albeit she had done what she did. And now Xandria stood there looking like some kind of innocent killer Chucky. Minus the overalls and Where's Waldo striped shirt.
Fear was the only thing could feel as he went to scream out for out, he only found his voice catching in his throat as he backed up as far as he could away from them. There was no way he'd survived this. If they could handle an entire horde of undead what was he going to do to even handle them? Bleed on them?
Damian and Xandria both stood there in confusion, though neither of them could really show it. Just a second ago the kid had been fine, drinking down all the water Damian had just handed him, and was now acting like he was staring at some kind of horror movie reject. Looking to Xandria, Damian could see how she could be the horror movie reject. And if he was looking into a mirror, it probably made sense that he'd look like one.
Sighing Damian was really hating that he took this job. Going from noisy and fucked up city, to a high schooler who was on the edge of pissing themselves. Though if Damian was in the same situation the kid was in when he was around Spirit's age. He probably would be doing worse off.
"Spirit you need to calm down. We aren't going to hurt you, and if she tries anything I will handle it and protect you with my life. But we need to get off of this roof and get you somewhere safe. We're going to take you to your father." Damian spoke in a soft tone holding up his gloved hands showing that they were empty, in an attempt to calm his current state.
"YOU KILLED ALL THOSE PEOPLE! AND FOR ALL I KNOW YOU"RE GOING TO KILL ME TOO! WHY WOULD I GO WITH YOU" Spirit finally managed to screech those words out after several attempts. Showing just how much of the terror he had been keeping restrained finally burst like a damn.
Sighing Damian knelt down before the kid pulling out a pistol from behind his coat. "Kid if my job was to kill you, then I would've already done so. So the fact you're still breathing means you should probably use those brain cells in that head of yours and think. For example, oh these two strangers handled a horde of Zombies just to make sure you were okay. Now as I said, we intend on taking you to your father, and figuring this out okay?" Damian said in a tone that really stressed just how limited his patience was in that moment. And yet he still found himself handing a loaded gun to a kid.
"Really..? You two are here to help me?" Spirit questioned looking to Xandria hoping that she would confirm what the man was saying. Though her only response to the situation was just tilting her head to one side with a little question mark forming above her head.
"She seems to only understand Japanese, so anything we say in English are words she doesn't understand." Damian explained gesturing for Spirit to take the gun.
"What's this for...?" He questioned slowly took the gun from Damian who stood up straight shortly after.
"We are here to protect you and ensure your safety. We are not your captors, and making life a little easier for us would be giving you something you can defend yourself with."
"What about the safety of my friends? If you're here to help me, then help them as well!" Spirit pleaded looking at the man as they spoke in English.
Turning Damian would look to Spirit and say simply. "What about them?"