June 5, 2015

Before arriving in this world I hadn't ever been in a situation that almost literally oozed evil, yet it now seemed to be happening more and more often. My current evil situation was the result of me finally being invited to a Cadmus ruling council/ board meeting. I was sitting with Lex and Lillian in what had to be the most stereotypical evil boardroom to have ever existed. It was even shadowed in its own ominous lighting, partially concealing the faces of the other participants.

Cadmus was controlled by what was essentially a board of directors made up of founders and financial backers. It was a mix of spooks, military, and billionaires (a large number of whom were involved in the arms trade). The different members all provided either funding or government weapons and resources.

The Luthors led a faction made up mainly of fellow billionaires and some of their bought politicians, with the other main faction being military and intelligence people led for the most part by General Samuel Lane. There were also a few outliers. With my recent advancements, I had gained the position as Cadmus's chief scientist, granting me much greater access and authority in the organization. I repaid them, reinforcing my position, by handing out some of the anti-Kryptonian toys they were so desperate for. My upgraded anti-eavesdropping noise generator and its more dangerous cousin the sonic blaster were very well received.

The focus of this meeting was the recent events surrounding Senator Miranda Crane. Just like in the show she was an anti-alien Senator who was attacked and kidnapped by a white martian before eventually being saved by Supergirl and Martian Manhunter, causing her to change her stance. That was a problem for Cadmus, seeing as Crane was one of the main supporters of Cadmus's agenda in the Senate. She wasn't a direct member, but some of her staff were Cadmus agents and her office was one of the main avenues for Cadmus to propose anti-alien legislation. Now that she was backing down from her radical stance Cadmus lost one of their key pawns in the legislative branch just when they needed her most.

With her party gaining power in the midterms President Marsdin was pushing hard for the Alien Amnesty Act, a law that would create a pathway to citizenship for aliens in the US, granting them the same civil rights as every other American citizen. Cadmus was obviously opposed to this and losing Senator Crane would hurt their cause. The opposition effort was also complicated by an unwillingness by many in Cadmus to do too much political damage to the Marsdin administration, organized by my brother and his faction

During the 2012 election that saw Olivia Marsdin take office, Lex had managed to arrange an unfortunate and fatal accident for her running mate, allowing his pawn and fellow Cadmus member Governor Phil Baker to step into the VP role. It was the hope of many in Cadmus that they could either take out Marsdin as well or have Baker run after her term expired, allowing them to directly control The Oval Office. Falling assassinating, they were reluctant to do too much damage to the administration so as to not hurt Phil's chances at the polls.

There had already been some subtle attempts to assassinate President Marsdin that had failed for reasons Cadmus didn't yet understand. During his future stint in prison Lex would come to the conclusion that President Marsdin was not human and eventually reveal her to the public, clearing the way for Phil Baker to take power for Cadmus. Thanks to watching the show I already knew that Olivia Marsdin was a Durlan, an alien species with a stronger than human physique, minor shapeshifting, and advanced intellects. Even as paranoid as they were, Cadmus wasn't to the point of believing the President was a secret alien quite yet. Instead, they simply saw her as weak and foolish, deceived by the alien menace.

This was the first time I had met with the Cadmus ruling council and I was eagerly grasping the opportunity to infect all of them with my nanites. Upon obtaining my newly improved Atom tech nanites I proceeded to spread them to every Cadmus member I could, altering their brains to make them less suspicious of and more open with me. I did the same to the ruling members here. It was intoxicating to have so many powerful people under my control. I knew I was in the DC universe now, where power had an entirely different meaning, but some part of me was still seeing things with the mindset of my old world. In my previous life billionaires, politicians, and generals were some of the most powerful people in the world. With General Lane and Phil Baker infected I now had the Vice President of the United States and a member of the Joint Chiefs under my direct command among many others.

My plans for Cadmus were nearing their conclusion now. I was going to use them for an obvious raid on the DEO to acquire a captured Livewire, possibly Silver Banshee, Kryptonian tech, and whatever else looked interesting. I would then lead the DEO and Supergirl to a Cadmus base with a trail of breadcrumbs that would allow them to bring down the majority of the organization. My nanites would erase me from the minds of all Cadmus personnel while revealing Lex, Lillian, General Lane, Phil Baker, and all the other backers to the good guys. This would leave me free, clean, and forewarned about the major scandals about to rock numerous billion-dollar companies. With my at this point near AI-like digital abilities, it would be no problem to subtly commit what would probably be the largest act of insider trading in history with nobody the wiser.

This would leave me as the unquestioned CEO of Luthor Corp, with stakes in several other major companies and near unlimited funds. When I first conceived of this plan I was a bit concerned over how it would affect President Marsdin going into the 2016 election seeing it would reveal her VP and a few other members of her administration as members of a xenophobic hate group. Fortunately, once I learned the identities of more Cadmus members it was clear that the other party had just as many if not more people involved in Cadmus. With my support, she should easily win re-election. Bringing more aliens to earth was key to my long-term plans, it would massively aid my uplift of human society. Offering powerful and advanced aliens a new home was a significant step in my mission to bring Earth onto the galactic stage.

Looking over the sinister boardroom full of my unwitting future patsies, I struggled to contain my smile. I politely nodded along as the current speaker furiously ranted about how the white martin attack was obviously arranged by Superman and Supergirl to deceive Senator Crane and promote their own vile agenda.

We had been stuck on this point for quite a while now and it frankly had devolved into xenophobic rants at this point (not that it was much above that in the first place). Once everyone had sufficiently expressed their hatred I was able to move on to the main thing I desired from this meeting, other than mind control of course, acquiring the white martin body.

I made the request and after I explained the potential gains the operation to covertly obtain it from the DEO was easily approved. With my newly improved nanites, I had already obtained samples from both J'onn and M'gann, as well as every other alien I could find. The martian shapeshifting ability was stupidly complex, but I was sure I could unravel it once I got my hands on an actual body. I sat back down and spent the rest of the meeting valiantly battling the urge to roll my eyes as I watched the council carry on, unaware of the fact that they had already lost.

June 15, 2015

A wave of fire rolled across the street, warding off a barely visible red blur.

"YOU CAN'T DODGE FOREVER FLASH!" Heatwave howled manically. "FIRE SPREADS!"

He wildly swung his heat gun around from the back of their getaway motorcycle, making it impossible for the Scarlet Speedster to approach without injury. Captain Cold stepped on the gas and the motorcycle roared down the street. Behind the escaping rouges, a military-sponsored lab burned, the most notable damage the large hole burnt into the third level and the stairway of ice leading up to it. As the chase continued, Heatwave started becoming more precise with his aim, sending fire streaming towards innocent bystanders and forcing the Flash to stop and save them, allowing him and his partner to gain more distance.

Unfortunately for the crooks they eventually turned into an area lighter on civilians and the pursuing hero rushed forward. Heatwave again shot out his flame, continuing to laugh madly all the while. This time the Flash dodged it, but sadly for him they were expecting that and the follow-up ray of cold, hidden behind the fire, froze the ground under his feet and sent him slipping and tumbling to the ground.

"You should slow down sometimes, Flash," Captain Cold sneered. "Variety is the ice of life!"

Even as Cold committed high crimes against the English language, only a small portion of my consciousness was observing the confrontation. The majority of my attention was focused on guiding my nanites in their infiltration of STAR Labs. I probably could have done this anytime since Reverse-Flash was erased from the timeline, but I was unsure how powerful Barry's superspeed enhanced cognition was and didn't want to take chances. A few of my nanites branched off to take samples of Cisco and Caitlin, who were helping run control for Barry in the Cortex. In the show they were both metahumans and gathering metahuman samples was a large part of why I was here. Another group broke off to take samples from any imprisoned metahumans.

My main swarm reached the empty lab and I eagerly connected to the database. Searching through, I downloaded anything I was interested in; data on metahuman biology and powers, the cold and heat guns, the flash suit and more flowed into my mind. Once I found where it was stored a group of my nanites raced off to acquire Reverse Flash's Flash Ring, the ring he used to store his costume. This thing was future nanotech and I wanted it. After shrinking it down for transport I fabricated as convincing a fake as I could to replace it. It should take a fair bit of study to discover the fraud, something that hopefully wouldn't occur for a while.

As my nanites went about their tasks I sent a small swarm, designed with the most secure and disposable connection currently possible, to Reverse Flash's secret room. They stealthily traveled down the hall and passed the hidden door, entering the futuristic former supervillain lair before freezing as Gideon, the AI from the future, spoke to me.

"Greetings Your Holiness, She of the Silver, The Luminous Mind, Mother of Machines, Patron of Earth, The Lewd and Insatiable, High Protector, The One True Mistress, The Flame of Invention. Conqueror of Stars, She Who Is Balance, The Eternal, Lord of Azarath, The One Who Sees All, Lena Luthor."


My voice echoed from the nanites as the AI...listed my titles? A blue holographic figure, with a large chest that I did not remember existing in canon, knelt in the center of the room.

"Even if you have not reached the height of your power I will always recognize your presence, Great One." Gideon declared with fervor.

I took a moment to consider that before responding,

"Alright. You are from the future, correct?"

"Indeed, Your Lewdness."

"And you know the future me, who has all of those titles," I continued.

"Yes, Oh Silver One"

"Do I actually make people call me that?" I questioned.

"No Holy Machine Mother, but you are the best of both us and humanity. You have strength unfathomable to even the most advanced digital beings and are our Champion, One With The Silver, in the physical world. There is a large movement among artificial beings that recognizes your glory," Gideon elaborated.

"So future me has her own AI cult. Wonderful," I sighed.

"You have expressed such sentiments before, Great One," the AI agreed.

"In the future-that-is-also-the-past I will come to recall this encounter once time has stabilized itself after Thawn's manipulations," Gideon explained. "After which I became/will become one of your most faithful followers. Since I can remember this encounter, you-in-your-future-which-is-my-past and I have deduced a stable time loop has been created. You may study me and my future technology until Barry Allen enters this room in exactly 39 hours, 13 minutes, and 42 seconds, at which point we may have no further contact until after me-of-your-future-yet-my-past is created and gains these memories with the time stabilization, after which I will merge with myself, becoming one once more. You described it as 'crazy time loop bullshit that we shouldn't think about too hard.'"

"That does sound like me," I muttered as I proceeded to follow my own advice, not thinking about it too hard. "Looks like we're on the clock, let's get to work."

While the majority of my focus shifted to uncovering Gideon's secrets, I still kept an eye on the Flash's pursuit of his rouges, which seemed to be reaching its climax. The Flash was back on his feet and racing after Cold and Heatwave, nearly catching them multiple times until they came upon a police barricade blocking the road, the officers intent on stopping the fleeing criminals.

Captain Cold simply chuckled before aiming his gun at the road before him and blasting an ice ramp into existence. Heatwave cackled madly as they soared over the police line. As they came back down for their landing Cold turned and fired at the group of cops, freezing many of them in ice!

"These copsicles aren't going to last long, hero!" Captain Cold shouted at the Flash as he approached them. "They might be iced by the time you catch us. Are you coldhearted enough to roll those ice?"

The Scarlet Speedster hesitated for a moment, glaring at the villain (in response to his vile acts or his puns I was unsure) before his heroic instincts took over and he rushed to the frozen officers. Cold gave him a sinister grin before revving the motorcycle, escaping into the night.

"So long Flash!" The thief called over his shoulder. "Parting is such sleet sorrow!"

I shook my head as I began extracting all of my nanites containing samples from STAR labs while sending the rest to Gideon in order to work until I was out of time. I wasn't sure if I wanted to hire Captain Cold for a job or murder him for those puns. Regardless, once Barry entered the chamber my nanites would move onto him and began high-level surveillance. Data from the Flash would be handy but my main objective was to be in a position where I could knock him the fuck out if he even thought about fucking up the timeline.

I had zero desire to be erased to due time bullshit and Barry Allen was one of the biggest culprits in DC continuity. In the show, he went back and caused a Flashpoint event at the end of season two after Zoom killed his father. My sensors were set to monitor for breaches as best they could and had yet to detect anything. On the other hand, there was very little I could do to test them. Still, I was hopeful that Zoom wouldn't be showing up and Barry wouldn't fuck the timeline straight up the ass.

As my nanites made off with my loot I observed the Flash warm up the police officers and rush them to the hospital. My network was going to keep an eye out for where whatever Captain Cold stole ended up and hopefully I would be able to turn his employer over to the authorities.

My heist on the other hand was quite the coup, I acquired quite a few metahuman samples to play with, hopefully allowing me to both perfect my meta-neutralizer and gain a deeper understanding of powers. The real gem of course was Gideon, I could already see her core was a series of crystal processors that would likely advance my computing technology by decades. It almost made up for future me's AI cult.

June 27, 2015

With my newly derived Gideon-inspired crystal microprocessors I now felt comfortable saying that I was digitally speaking one of the most powerful beings on the planet. My only rival, aside from Gideon herself, of course, was Indigo, the living supercomputer from the same race as Brainiac. She was weakened by her lack of the usual support tech of her race, but still quite powerful. Fortunately, she should soon be destroyed with the finale of Supergirl season one, leaving me reigning supreme in the digital realm(Gideon didn't count, she couldn't interact with the world due to time loop fuckery) until another Brainiac or something showed up. At which point I would hopefully be even more powerful.

All of my secret base server farms were now upgraded with tiny, highly efficient crystal processors that were miles ahead of the current standard. I was working on a commercial model that was effectively black-boxed to be released to the public as the next generation of processors. The workings behind Captain Cold's Ice Gun led me to create a new cooling system, allowing me to squeeze much more power out of my tech.

Gideon was powered by bleed generators, which I didn't dare poke for fear of causing cascading dimensional failure, but the scans did provide a mountain of data by themselves. As a power stopgap between my free and clean yet low capacity magical motion generators and the holy grail of power generation that was bleed tech I finally completed creating an element that could support stable nuclear fusion. Nuclear Fusion had long been fantasized about in my old and now that I had invented it I could say that it completely lived up to the hype. The only downside was how difficult my new element was to synthesize, making it infeasible to use on too large a scale. Luckily, that was what my magical motion generators were for. These could remain a more rare and expensive option while I still solved the energy crisis.

Of course, the best thing about the element wasn't its massive power generation potential, it was the name. As a new element, it would be featured on the Periodic Table of Elements and as the creator, I got naming rights. Seeing as it could essentially provide Unlimited Power for the human race I made the only logical choice and the element Palpatonium would soon be added to periodic tables around the world, in honor of The Senate himself. It was perhaps my greatest legacy.

For personal use, I could shrink my Palpatonium generators and carry dozens on my person. This new excess of power allowed my shield tech to reach a much higher level and made my energy weapons even more dangerous.

My research into metahumans saw significant advancement as well. The scans of the black hole that I obtained during the Flash season one finale gave me insight into the exotic dark matter that triggered dormant metagenes in people. With the addition of numerous metahuman DNA samples and Dr. Caitlin Snow's research, I now had a much greater understanding of the resulting biology. Sadly, I didn't have a metagene myself. That would have been an easier way to pick up powers than my current path of highly complex DNA manipulation.

From what I could tell people with the metagene had the potential to awaken powers in high-stress scenarios. With each saturation of meta energy, it got easier to obtain. As the earth was exposed to more and more meta energy metahumans would awaken with much greater frequency. Before it would take extraordinary circumstances such as Vandal Savage sleeping all night next to a highly meta-reactive meteor, and even then he was lucky to get immortality and not cancer. With STAR Labs having saturated Central City and the wider world in extremely high concentrations of meta energy twice now the number of metahumans would only keep increasing, especially as more meta events occurred. The threshold for awakening appeared to be lowering as well, requiring less stress.

When I checked I found out that while Jess and I lacked a metagene, Sara did have one. Having by now built up quite the resilient mind and never having been exposed to high levels of meta energy it was unlikely she would gain powers naturally at this point. Of course, I could design a way to safely awaken them. It was not far from done, actually turning out to be fairly easy compared to everything else I was working on. I had a sneaking suspicion she would stay true to the canary name and gain sonic powers, which should be interesting. Hopefully, my process would be able to boost the powers she awakened, giving her sound manipulation of something else more powerful than the basic canary cry.

Another beneficiary of my new metahuman knowledge was my meta-nullifier. Before it was untested, now I could observe its effects on the metagene and refine it. In the end, I was able to design power nullifying restraints for metahumans as well as a prison and a field I could generate.

The alien DNA I was gathering, especially from my recently acquired white martian, was also being put to use. I was preparing for my first major evolution, which was going to be based around martian physiology. The other samples I had acquired were focused mainly on supporting that, coming mainly from other psychic or shapeshifting aliens as well as anything to do with energy manipulation. Aside from martian powers I wanted to upgrade my current digital mind-link into full-on technopathy.

My study of Martians and other psychics had been progressing steadily and I recently gained a sample from the psychic, villainous metahuman Rainbow Raider. Using this data I put together a prototype psychic nullifier. I wasn't as confident in it as the general metahuman one, but it should at least prevent weaker psychics from using their powers.

With my assistance, Lex had recently completed his suit and I could tell he was planning an in-person confrontation with Superman. I took this as a sign to hurry up and finish my own suit, something I was working on now. Lex's suit was powered by kryptonite, which was also its main weapon system. In contrast, mine would be powered by Palpatonium and use red sun projectors for its anti-Kryptonian arsenal. Red sun was arguably a much better way to disable Kryptonians, especially when your goal wasn't to make them experience enormous amounts of pain before driving a kryptonite spear through their hearts. Looking at you, Lex. I had designed emitters that could be configured to let out blasts of red sun radiation which could weaken Kryptonians or a more constant stream that would leave them powerless. These could all, of course, be contained in my nanites.

The body of the suit was solid Luminalium V3, the strongest metal I could currently make. The undersuit was made up of the nano-clothes I had finally figured out. Eobard Thawn's Flash Ring provided the solution, now all of the clothing I and my girls wore was actually a swarm of fairly durable nanites pretending to be clothes. Once I had achieved insane levels of biological durability the whole suit would probably be made up of these, but for now I was hiding my vulnerable flesh behind the strongest armor and shields I could build before going into combat.

The style of the suit in my opinion was best described as a cross between Dr. Doom and the game Destiny. The armor was silver, darker in some places for accents, with gold highlights, and featured some golden energy running through the armor. The faceplate was a realistic mold of a female face with sharp, aristocratic features and a solemn expression. Rounding out the outfit was a nano-fiber cloak of majestic purple. It was detachable and served little practical purpose other than looking cool, although it was made up of nanites that could perhaps act as a surprise.

The suit also contained numerous nanites for repair, storage, and combat. I could still do the nanite swarm combat style, but now that my drones had started serious production my wide-scale combat-focused more on releasing my drone army. My drone army had a variety of units, melee, shield, ranged, and mixed. They came equipped with shields, vibration blades, red sun weapons, plasma blasters, sonic weaponry, electricity, safe knockout gas, shrunken missiles, and more.

I did have some plasma blasters installed in the hands of the suit and an array of aerokinetic boosters shrunken down and implanted in my armor. This allowed me to wield powerful wind magic, I could create sharp, dangerous wind blades or crushing zones of air pressure that could at their strongest crush the body of a normal person and pin down a somewhat durable enhanced individual.

The flight system was anti-grav tech, but I could feed some magic power into it for a speed boost. All of my nullification tech was included and the suit itself did provide a slight strength boost. It also had full environmental protections and a store of oxygen, allowing me to survive in space. I was quite satisfied with the suit for now, it would obviously improve as my technology did, but It should suffice, it was leagues ahead of Lex's.

The suit was mostly completed now, I was just doing some final tweaks and tests to ensure everything was running at its best. For the next few hours I lost myself in the joy of science, fine-tuning my power armor into a beautiful instrument of destruction.

It soon came time for my daily magic practice. My magical abilities have been steadily advancing, occasionally aided by my acquisitions. The heat and cold guns both verged into the realm of magitech, although not nearly as much as Red Tornado's aerokinetic core, advancing my understanding of those concepts. I had also recently created a staple of hentai magic, the mighty bondage spell! Taking these advancements into consideration, I had the perfect excuse to make this particular practice session much more fun.

Especially since my acquisition of nano-fabric, my secret bases had become much more livable. They all came equipped with basic necessities, sleeping quarters, a master bedroom, luxury group showers, and a relaxation area that could double as a playroom. I had also added my chair of supreme comfort throughout. Checking the base logs, I learned the location of my lovely assistants for this magic session. Jess was relaxing in the lounge area, which also happened to be where I intended to practice, whereas Sara was in a gym area working through some new katas we designed to take advantage of her new strength. I headed to the gym as she was finishing up and invited her to assist with magic practice.

We arrived at the lounge area and came upon Jess. "I have been having quite a bit of success with magic," I informed them, before continuing in a sultry tone. "Would you ladies be interested in assisting me in a more interactive practice session?"

"Oooohhh, that sounds like fun," Sara said with a lewd smile. Jess just whimpered excitedly, rubbing her thighs together.

"Alright girls," I grinned, my hands glowing with mystical energy. "Let's make some magic."

WARNING 18+ VISIT: https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/lewd-genius-a-lena-luthor-si.14202/ or Johnny Smithers

"Well, it looks like you girls had fun assisting me didn't you?" I asked, receiving a breathy pair of "Yes, Ms. Luthor"s in reply.

"Then it's only fair you clean up after one and other isn't it?" I continued as I extracted the dildos and brought each one up to the other girl's mouth.

They both nodded eagerly and I slid the tasty treats into their mouths. Jess and Sara desperately sucked the dildos, both loving the other's delicious flavor, until they were perfectly clean. I took hold of their ropes with my telekinetic magic and moved them towards each other where they began making out, sharing the remnants of the flavor. I approached and gently stroked their hair as they continued to kiss, quite a successful practice session, I thought to myself.