October 18, 2015
"Alexander Joseph Luthor, this court has found you guilty of 29 counts of first-degree murder, 357 counts of assault with deadly force, and terrorism. These charges are all related to your September 27 attack on the city of Metropolis, of which there exist several recordings and hundreds of witnesses.
It is unlikely that this constitutes all of your crimes even on that day, let alone the mountains of evidence concerning previous criminal activity that has been uncovered since. These are all the charges against you that can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt at this time.
Ordinarily, your trial would wait until investigations into all possible criminal activity would be complete, but given your genius, societal power, and obvious malice, you are considered a high-threat individual. The state believes that you must be moved to maximum security with all possible speed as a matter of public safety. Just these charges already qualify you for the most severe punishment available, life without parole. Perhaps this will bring some sense of comfort to the families of your victims."
I sat in the spectator section of the courtroom, watching as the judge read out Lex's sentence. Lillian refused to attend the trial, furious at the 'unjust prosecution' of her son. This left me representing the Luthor family alone, with Jess and Sara on either side of me. Throughout the trial I worked on projecting the appropriate mix of horrified, betrayed, and devastated for someone in my position,
In the weeks since Lex's attack there was a massive investigation into him and Luthor Corp, one with which I happily cooperated, ordering the rest of the company to do the same. Even before his battle with Superman he was under a lot of scrutiny from the media, The Daily Planet especially. They accused Lex of corrupt business practices, dodging environmental and safety regulations, and illegal arms dealing to name a few. These allegations were all confirmed soon after his arrest.
Investigations revealed that Lex was a prolific arms dealer, often selling weapons under the table to multiple sides of a conflict. He was arguably responsible for starting or at least elongating several wars. Evidence also pointed to his involvement being a major contributing factor to the genocide in Bialya.
Luthor Corp's Cadmus connection had yet to be discovered, but investigators were drawing close. Some of the brutal 'medical' experiments the company had conducted on aliens for Cadmus had already been uncovered.
What got the feds very interested was Lex's plans to detonate bombs across one major American city and shoot missiles at another. It was his intention to commit mass terrorism that led them to expedite his trial.
I was actually able to take credit for preventing that aspect of Lex's plans. I claimed that once I saw Lex attacking Metropolis I instantly began digging into anything he might have been involved in. This allowed me to discover Lex's bombs and block their signal as well as disable the missiles.
This story had the benefit of being mostly true, the key falsehood being that I had actually countered the bombs/missiles well before Lex took the field instead of dramatically at the last minute. I was the one to report the issue to the government, reaching out to cooperate even before they contacted me.
My actions were meant to be perceived as extremely open, shocked and appalled at the actions of my brother. Much of the more damning examples of Lex's business practices were uncovered so quickly thanks to my cooperation. Quite a few of Lex's people at the company were also implicated in some of his crimes. Seeing as they didn't attempt to commit mass terrorism their trials weren't accelerated like Lex's was, but many were either in custody or the target of meticulous investigation.
In a shocking turn, these people also generally happened to be those most opposed to me taking control. These very convenient arrests helped solidify my control over the company.
I of course made sure that none of my own dubious projects and resources, or some of Lex's that I was interested in, were discovered. With my digital abilities being near-godlike when compared to modern technology this wasn't much of a challenge.
Mercy's involvement in Lex's operations was heavily minimized, although she did happily cooperate with the authorities on my orders. Thanks to her testimony, she was getting off free and clear.
The only meaningful obstacle to me taking over the company would have been Lillian, who still wasn't a fan of her stepdaughter. Fortunately, she was entirely occupied in a battle with the 'mysterious force' that was blocking her every attempt to fuck with the justice system in Lex's favor. She concluded that it must be Superman eliminating his opposition and as a result the rest of her focus was on readying Cadmus for the anti-alien crusade they would have undertake in season two of Supergirl.
This would likely have the effect of making Cadmus much more drastic and unpredictable in the future. I wasn't particularly concerned about that though, seeing as in the next few days they would no longer have one.
In reality it was obviously me that was countering her efforts to subvert the legal system. The government had done a fairly good job of protecting the jurors and their families. They also worked to have people who wouldn't be vulnerable to Luthor corruption in authority positions concerned with the trial.
Still, Lillian had a lot of cards left to play. Bribes and blackmail went out left and right, followed by my counter bribes and blackmail, or in some cases informing the individual that their blackmail material was erased. I was forced to expose some of the more cowardly or greedy individuals who instantly folded.
Undeterred, Lillian resorted to threats and outright assault, kidnapping, and murder. I constantly monitored both her communications and potential targets. The more high-risk ones received a squad of my brainwashed assassins stealthy watching over them. Several mercenary/criminal groups she hired were wiped out by Sara and Raqis Alshafra, the elite league member I acquired previously.
For the most part, all of the assassins I captured were already highly conditioned to obey the League. The League's form of brainwashing often causes some neurological damage that can limit creativity and stunt critical thinking, so it is reserved for low-level members. The rank and file assassins I took control of were already little more than tools, all I had to do was shift their loyalty to me. I was generally uncomfortable with reducing someone to a personality-less husk that only existed to follow orders, preferring to allow my subjects to retain as much personality as possible. I appreciated my more sophisticated mind control methods, but the League members were too far gone.
Members of the League that showed promise were not put through conditioning as it would limit their growth and capabilities, the League needed elites to lead the way. Promising members only experienced social indoctrination similar to an ordinary cult. Sara got off quite lightly thanks to her potential and her relationship with Nyssa Al Ghul.
David Cain's faction was made up almost entirely of brainwashed members. Although he had refined the process a bit, the potential of many of his combatants was still limited. He attempted to make up for this with insanely brutal training.
My assassins had all undergone my chi boost, giving them a slight boost in strength. They made short work of anybody Lillian sent. It's really handy to have your own personal elite ninja assassins. Once my position at Luthor Corp was secure I would have to go about securing some more.
Outside of the trial I still found time to work a bit on my other projects. I finished developing my birth control treatment and it would soon be going through several human trials. It was an injection that was effective for 10-11 months. In men it made them infertile while active with the intentional, not that I would tell anyone, side effect of causing their semen taste quite a bit better. Women also became temporarily infertile and no longer suffered from periods. It had a side effect of increased sexual arousal during the time a period would ordinarily occur. I probably could find a way to fix that, but I saw it as a feature instead of a bug.
I also finished up my solutions to most lesser STDs and felt I was making solid progress on AIDS. Overall a very productive few weeks, both in science and fucking over my family.
With the reading of the verdict, Lex was led out of the courtroom in handcuffs. Once court was adjourned I exited, escorted on either side by Jess and Sara. I stopped on the courthouse steps, facing a mass of eager reporters. I held up my hand and waited for quite before addressing them,
"Justice has prevailed today. I am thankful that Lex Luthor will be held accountable for his crimes and put in a position where he is unable to hurt anyone else. I always cared for my brother and saw him as a good man but, seeing his actions and the deranged conspiracy theories that motivated them, it is clear to me that that man I knew is long gone.
Luthor Corp has and will continue cooperating with the authorities, working to uncover more of Lex's crimes and remove any individuals corrupted by his taint from our ranks. I will be using my personal fortunes to do what I can to make up for Lex's actions. I have already transferred a fund to the city to cover rebuilding costs. I will be covering all medical and therapy costs for those affected by the incident and providing compensation to those who lost loved ones. Anyone injured in a way current medical technology can not fix will be guaranteed a trial slot to receive Luthor Corp's state-of-the-art medical advancements.
I dedicate so much time and energy to this company because I believe it can create powerful, lasting good in the world. This is a belief my brother once shared, that is clearly no longer the case. Thank you."
As I reached the end of my speech I became more emotional, a single tear running down my cheek at the end even as I clearly did my utmost to maintain composure. I swiftly concluded and was led off into a car by my escorts, the picture of a horribly distraught young woman who had no knowledge of my brother's plans. Being able to alter your brain chemistry on the fly using nanites made emotion manipulation quite simple.
I dropped my emotional facade once the car door closed and I was out of view. That should help solidify my image as innocent, shocked at Lex's crimes, and dedicated to making up for them. The money shouldn't be much of an issue, all of the costs shouldn't total more than a few billion which, while it was a lot of money, was nothing compared to what I would gain from Lex and Lillian's fortunes and from the aftermath of bringing down Cadmus.
That nicely led to the next part of my agenda, which happened to be orchestrating the fall of Cadmus. Already any physical or digital evidence of my involvement was either erased or altered to have vague references to a secretive 'Architect' who led the Cadmus science division. Everyone who was aware of my identity had been infected with my nanites and I had already deleted myself from the brains of those I didn't need for the plan. The mysterious Architect should give the heroes something to search for and me an identity to use if I ever needed to interact with more shady elements outside of my control.
As the car traveled to my Metropolis penthouse I used my nanites to transmit orders for the Cadmus moles within the DEO. I informed them that their cover might soon be blown and they were to grab all they could from the DEO and deliver it to a Cadmus base for me to pick up. I emphasized that any secure data on aliens or their technology, especially Kryptonians, needed to be acquired and that they should prioritize work by Dr. Alex Danvers. My orders demanded that Livewire be obtained as well.
I was waiting at the base for them when they arrived late that night. As they traveled here I had worked to ensure the DEO would eventually be able to track them to this location. I spent the last several hours here ensuring that there was enough evidence to lead the heroes to other Cadmus bases where more evidence could be found that would then lead them to more bases and so on.
It was an elaborate web that, when combined with Luthor Corp documents that would soon be discovered, should expose every significant member of Cadmus and implicate them in numerous crimes. There would still be a few bases left hidden which, operated by some mind-controlled Cadmus members, could serve as a large expansion to my secret industrial capacity. These bases were a major part of my future plans to expand into space unnoticed.
The Cadmus agents all entered the base with their haul. With them they carried an isolated power block containing Livewire in her energy form along with several other bits of alien tech. They moved to settle into the base when I suddenly stepped into view and they all froze, eyes staring blankly ahead. I assumed direct control of their minds and made them move all the loot into a storage device, which I proceeded to shrink. Their brains were mine to command and I erased any evidence of me from their mind, replacing it with impressions of the Architect when applicable. Once that was all done I set them so they couldn't interfere with the evidence I planted and left the base, nanites erasing any biological evidence of my presence.
October 19, 2015
I sat at a plain metal table inside a room deep within my secret Metropolis compound. There was a second chair across the table from me and further back into the room was the isolated power block containing Livewire. I had just unlocked it and was now waiting for her to emerge.
The room was locked and contained no electricity, magical lighting providing illumination. Livewire would be unable to escape and I was confident I could subdue her if she became violent even if my main countermeasure failed. Things likely wouldn't head in that direction anyway, seeing as I had been filling the room with lust pheromones for the last half hour.
The was a sharp crack and Livewire appeared within the room, prompting me to swiftly flip an activation switch in my mind. She was in her depowered form. A pale, light-grey-skinned woman with silvery hair and electric blue eyes. I knew that in her powered form her skin took on a slightly more blue hue and her hair became crackling blue electricity whereas in this one she could probably pass for albino. She was dressed in orange prison garb that really didn't do her any favors in my opinion. She clearly shared my view as the first thing she did was glance at her outfit in disgust before reaching out to her powers and attempting to vaporize it, becoming shocked when nothing happened.
"What the hell happened to my powers!" she growled.
"This room is inside a field that nullifies metahuman powers, I activated it as soon as your emerged," I informed her, my voice drawing her attention.
"And who the fuck are you!?" she demanded, glaring in my direction.
"My name is Lena Luthor, I had you liberated from previous unfortunate situation to discuss acquiring your unique talents fo-," I started before she interrupted me.
"No thanks, I don't really follow orders," Livewire interjected rudely. "So how about you fuck off and let me out of here."
"Now that's not very polite," I told her, "I'm sure if you sit down with me we can come to terms that you find agreeable."
"The only terms I would find agreeable involve you serving me, bitch!" she yelled aggressively. Livewire paused for a moment, considering what she just said and clearly enjoying where her mind went. It looked like she was definitely being affected by the pheromones.
"MMmmmm, that sounds nice," Livewire murmured to herself. "I haven't gotten any since before I got locked up. I could make good use of a silly rich slut like you."
WARNING 18+ VISIT: https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/lewd-genius-a-lena-luthor-si.14202/ or Johnny Smithers
I released a wickedly joyful laugh as this beautiful and powerful metahuman came continuously under my power. She had submitted to me just moments before and already my nanites were working on reinforcing that submission. My laughter only increased when I came up with a fitting punishment for her earlier disrespect, it would take a little bit of preparation but it should be well worth it. This time I kept the spell going until Livewire collapsed into unconsciousness, her mind eventually giving out in the face of non-stop orgasms.
October 20, 2015
"We're in," Sara reported.
"Understood," I replied. "No alarms have been triggered and the stealth fields are working as expected, none of the cameras are picking you up."
"Please," Sara snarked, "Even without your fancy tech I can be in and out of this place before they even notice something's wrong."
"No reason not to use it if you have it," I told her, "It pays to be careful." Sara grunted in acknowledgment. "Alright, advance to the target and form a perimeter while Sara goes in for the kill."
My orders issued, I leaned back in my office desk at Luthor Corp. Being able to manage a mission whilst I was establishing an alibi with my physical presence was one of the many side benefits of my mental enhancements.
I followed Sara's movements through the sensors she and her team were wearing. Sara was leading a team of four other assassins equipped with nano-combat suits I had created. The suits were more durable nano clothes with several special features including cloaking tech and sound suppression, the latter of which was made a bit unnecessary thanks to Sara's presence.
It was a bit of a marvel to watch Sara lead an infiltration of one of the most secure prisons in America with ease. I was inside the prison's network and I only noticed a couple minor signs of their presence because I knew what was happening. I followed their paths through the prison cameras, finding no trace of them as they moved through the complex like phantoms.
This operation felt a bit like overkill, sending four highly trained assassins and one super-powered master assassin all equipped with beyond-state-of-the-art technology all to take out one unpowered man in a prison cell. Then I remembered what universe I was in and reminded myself there was no such thing as overkill. In my view, the best way to win is this world seems to be taking the Batman approach of preparing for every possible eventuality while at the same time being ridiculously powerful.
That was why even as my assassins advanced I was inside the prison's system and prepared to shut it all down at a moment's notice or unleash massive cyberattacks against any potential enemies. Each of the assassins was carrying several shrunken army boxes that I could trigger to release hundreds of combat drones under my control if an explosive exit became necessary.
Soon enough the assassins arrived at the maximum security section where the target was held. The other four spread out to maintain a perimeter while Sara headed for the cell. The maximum security cells were separated from the main prison network, so she placed her hand on the lock and I used the nanites in her glove to connect to it. The door swung open after a few seconds.
Lex Luthor glanced up as his cell door opened. He seemed a bit surprised that there was nobody outside. After a moment he adopted a confident smirk, clearly believing this to be a breakout attempt. His last expression was one of shock as a sword appeared from thin air and separated his head from his body.
Mission accomplished.
I began to relax as I saw Lex's head drop to the floor on the security feed. I delayed the feed for several minutes to give my team time to exit. Once the assassins reported that they were clear and returning to base I let out a deep sigh and relaxed fully, everything had gone according to plan.
I continued to go about my day even as the prison authorities discovered and reacted to Lex's death. For the rest of the day I went about my tasks while also keeping an eye on a particular set of nanites, had to get a clean sweep after all.
The workday ended and I headed home to my penthouse, having to dodge the paparazzi that had been camping outside my house since Lex's attack. I split my focus between monitoring the flow of news about Lex's death and a fundraising event Lillian was hosting. All the while I lamented the fact that I had too much going on tonight to make time for some sexy fun. Sigh, orchestrating the deaths of two family members in one day while ensuring nothing leads back to you is a lot of work.
I watched and waited as Lillian schmoozed her way through the fundraiser for a Cadmus-backed politician. Lex's death hit the news someone mentioned it to Lillian several minutes later. She whipped out her phone, finding headlines announcing that Lex Luthor had been found beheaded in his cell. Lillian trembled and dropped the phone. I smiled and ordered my nanites to began their work.
I was going to enjoy this. Lillian was a horrid person. Even before I took over, Lena had dark fantasies about killing her. Lex was a monster of her creation whereas she chose to be an evil bitch.
Lillian suddenly gasped and clutched her chest before collapsing to the ground. Some of the people at the party rushed to her side while others urgently dialed 911, but it was too late. By the time paramedics arrived Lillian Luthor had tragically passed away from a heart attack. The shock of her beloved son's brutal death was obviously too much for her aging body to bear.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and being the paragon of all that is good and science-y that I am I was already working on a cure. A solution was close and this mournful event will serve as the final inspiration I needed to create yet another miracle. It truly is a tragic twist of fate that Lillian Luthor, my dear mother, died just months before I invented the medical nanites that would have saved her.
I chuckled sardonically at the PR spin that cropped up in my mind, that was too good not to use. I activated a magical trigger and the nanites within Lillian's body were destroyed, leaving no evidence behind. The only thing I regretted was that I would be unable to see Lillian's face when she learned I used her death to market the very technology I used to kill her. Hmmm, may have to look into necromancy at some point.
October 23, 2015
Turns out, suddenly becoming the sole surviving heir of one of the wealthiest families on the planet and majority shareholder in a multi-billion dollar company comes with a lot of time commitments. Business halts for no one, not even a grieving young woman who was in no way involved with the death of her family. The family lawyers were at my door mere hours after Lillian's death, whisking me off to their offices to deal with inheritance paperwork. I was of course distraught hearing of my mother's death for the first time and put on a very convincing show for both them and the paparazzi outside.
Thankfully my legal claim was quite solid and the billions of dollars I already had to my name ensured the lawyers' loyalty. Seeing as Lex had died earlier his last wishes were the first to be exercised. He left me a few billion dollars, a fair portion of his stock portfolio, and some property, with the rest going to Lillian. Of course none of his secret projects were listed, I would have to acquire those later.
Lillian's will reflected her hatred of me and nearly froze me out entirely. Fortunately, I expected that and Sara had already swapped the physical will weeks ago, with me altering all digital copies. The family law firm took quite a few precautions, but they had no countermeasures against magical forgery. The will I was presented with was much more acceptable.
The whole night and much of the following day after the Luthercide (patent pending) was spent hashing out inheritance. In the end I received the majority of the Luthor fortune, bumping me up to being one of the top ten richest people on earth and the richest woman period. A few billion was doled out to various charities and foundations to keep up appearances.
I gained nearly all of the Luthor property and could now say I owned homes on six continents. I would have to make time to go check them all for hidden labs and whatnot, possibly adding some of my own. Sorting out the mess of investment I found myself with in a reasonable time frame was only possible by leveraging my inhuman processing power. I sat on them for now as I planned to make a lot more acquisitions once Cadmus fell.
Through both inheritance and my own efforts, I ended up with slightly less than 70% interest in Luthor Corp. Apparently, people become really interested in selling when the CEO of the company commits a major act of terrorism. I had more than enough to maintain control, browbeat the board, and even dish some out as a reward if I wanted to. My position in the company was firmly secure.
Unfortunately, some people didn't understand that. I had to spend the next few days putting down petty corporate power grabs and dealing with rebellious board members, all while managing the media narrative concerning the deaths of the Luthors. Some more troublesome individuals found themselves either bought out of the company or in the sights of federal investigators. Even with my superhuman abilities and I found these few days to be trying. Thankfully Jess was always eager to let me work my frustrations out on her.
Finally, after three days of non-stop work, everything was handled enough for me to step back a bit. The timing was fortunate, in the past five days the DEO had been diligently following the trial I laid for them and rounding up every Cadmus member they found. More and more manpower was being dedicated to the task as it became increasingly apparent how engrained Cadmus was in the government. They had already uncovered several high-level people that were members but were keeping their arrests quiet for now. It was quickly put together that Lex was a key member of Cadmus and his assassination was likely an effort to silence him. This caused them to speed up even further, not wanting to lose any more major sources of info.
The fall of Cadmus was rapidly approaching and I wanted to take part in the fun. It was also how I planned to reveal my superhero identity. I had been occasionally stopping low-level crime in various cities ever since I finished my suit, but only a few poor-quality pictures and videos of me existed.
After scheduling myself a block of private lab time for the afternoon I equipped my suit and activated the stealth systems. Not long after I was soaring towards one of the key remaining Cadmus labs. Gravity manipulation drives combined with boosted wind magic made the distance pass by quickly and I was soon hovering over my target.
Like with most Cadmus facilities, I had already compromised the lab's internal network. I spent a few moments going over the locations of everyone inside in preparation for an efficient assault. I swiftly located the biggest threat: the original Hank Henshaw, now known as Cyborg Superman. He was the pride of Cadmus, the closest they had come to creating a human equal to Superman (it was a bit debatable if he counted as human anymore seeing as he was around 90% machine).
Cyborg Superman was mostly the work of Jeremiah Danvers, adopted father of Supergirl. With his love for his daughters leveraged against him, he served as perhaps the best scientist in Cadmus until I came along. Freeing him was a big part of why I was attacking this location, the other part being that this was where the majority of the alien test subjects were held. Saving everyone here should really put my superhero identity in the good books of the forces of justice, Supergirl especially.
The best way to deal with a major threat like Cyborg Superman to take them down as hard and fast as possible, which is exactly what I intended to do. I rocketed towards the ground, blasting straight through it and bursting into the underground base in the same room Cyborg Superman was in. He turned to look at me, eyes glowing red. I dodged to the side, avoiding a burst of heat vision, and made use of my Cadmus codes to transmit mountains of junk data directly into his cybernetic brain. He groaned and clutched his head in pain for a moment.
I was already in motion as soon as I transmitted the data, breaking the sound barrier as I dashed behind him. The sonic boom took care of all the other Cadmus soldiers in the room. A dagger appeared in my hand, unshrunk from storage, and just as Cyborg Superman made to swat at me with his hand I drove it through the base of his neck, severing his spinal cord. He collapsed. Thankfully his toughness was below that of actual Kryptonians, so the vibration blade was able to take him down. My vibration tech vibrated things apart at a molecular level, so it was able to easily cut most things, but Kryptonians were extra bullshit so I wasn't betting on it doing serious damage to them.
With that Cyborg Superman was down, and with minimal damage too. His strength enhancements, durability, and eye lasers were all tech I wanted to study so it was good that the body wasn't badly damaged. I shrunk and stored him, at the same time releasing around 100 combat drones. With the big guns taken care of, I headed towards my objectives.
My drones dispersed throughout the base, chasing down Cadmus agents and neutralizing them with perfectly non-lethal electric shocks. Most of the defensive ones headed for the prisoners, didn't want anybody getting any bright ideas about hostages.
I marched through the base, easily dispatching Cadmus agents as I came across them. Bullets and lasers struck my forcefield with little effect as I unleashed a bevy of attacks. Some opponents pinned to the ground under pockets of massive air pressure, others fell to sedative darts or bolts of electricity. I overcame some with overwhelming physical strength and a few surrendered after witnessing me slice their weapons in two with a vibration sword.
I arrived at the prison section, finding most of the victims free and protected behind forcefields from my drones. There were dozens of different aliens dressed in prison garb, all in terrible shape. Some of them reminded me of pictures of Holocaust survivors. I also spotted quite a few people with human appearances; whether they were actually aliens, metahumans, or simple people who pissed of Cadmus I couldn't tell.
Jeremiah Danvers was in a much nicer cell near the prison block and he eagerly joined the escape once I found him. I had to keep a separate forcefield around him to protect him from the other prisoners. They clearly didn't appreciate the experiments he had conducted on them at the behest of Cadmus. My drones came across several bodies that were in the process of being dissected as well as several devices that seemed to be more instruments of torture than science in my opinion.
Eventually all the prisoners were free and I began escorting them towards the surface. I relayed assurances and instructions to them in English, Spanish, and then several alien languages I knew. The ones who understood what I said worked to translate the message for others in a chain and I soon had a large group of eager prisoners following me to freedom.
My assault on the Cadmus base didn't go unnoticed, my entrance probably appeared as a minor earthquake. The DEO was also already somewhat nearby, searching for the base after gaining some intel about it. With Supergirl's senses, it didn't take them long to find out where shit was going down.
I was only on the surface for a few minutes before I spotted Supergirl flying down to greet me. This was my first time seeing her in person, so I made sure to take in every detail. Her golden blonde hair flew behind her as she descended, giving her a divine air. She had muscular, powerful arms and I ached to see them straining against their bonds as I drove her mad with pleasure. Her breasts weren't too large, but they were perfectly shaped and were perky to a gravity-defying degree thanks to her Kryptonian nature. I wasn't all that into legs, but Supergirl's forced me to reconsider. They were long, beautiful, and strong yet slender. She made her fairly modest skirt look downright sinful. Said skirt did unfortunately conceal her ass from view, but judging by her legs it ought to be fantastic.
"Greetings," I addressed Supergirl as she neared us. "I rescued these people from the Cadmus laboratory below us. They are all prisoners and test subjects and are in need of both medical and psychological treatment."
"Understood, we have forces inbound that will be able to deal with immediate issues and I promise these people will receive the help they need to recover," she declared sincerely. "Thank you," she continued, fixing her otherworldly blue eyes on me. She touched her ear and relayed the situation.
"No need for thanks, seeing this evil destroyed and saving its' victims are all I need. I have been waiting for this for a long time," I responded.
It was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking being nears such a powerful being for the first time. This sexy heroine could likely destroy the planet with a bit of work and she would only keep growing stronger for the rest of her probably immortal life. I had taken precautions knowing I might meet her. My suit consisted of a layer of lead-coated nanites that would obscure her x-ray vision if she chose to use it. Kryptonians could supposedly read heartbeats to detect lies and while I hadn't really lied yet, I did have nanites set to regulate my heartbeat if I needed to. I also had enough red sun weaponry stored that I should at least be able to escape if she turned hostile for some reason.
As I considered all this Supergirl scanned the crowd of rescues and spotted Jeremiah, who was staring at her in awe. Shock flashed across her face as she recognized him, just as he had her. I saw her vibrate with the urge to fly to him before she restrained herself, remembering she was in front of witnesses and not wanting to compromise her secret identity. Jeremiah also adopted a poker face and no one else was the wiser, except for perhaps some rude telepathic aliens.
Even maintaining her cover, Supergirl was quite distracted as we waited for the DEO to arrive. She kept stealing superspeed glances at Jeremiah that I could only detect due to my enhancements. I took advantage of her distracted state and my full facemask to ogle her until the DEO showed up.
A convoy of clearly government vehicles eventually appeared on the horizon. Supergirl went to work reassuring the nervous aliens, many of whom likely saw very similar vehicles right before their capture. Supergirl's message was obviously received as the heavily armed agents stayed back while medics and more welcoming faces approached. The agents eyed the few drones I still had out as they deactivated their forcefields and let them approach the aliens.
I stood to the side with a few drones and observed as the DEO handled the situation. I eyed one particular agent as she made a beeline for Jeremiah and smiled as Alex Danvers was reunited with her father.
After a while, everything was handled and they were ready to move out. The rescues were all set, move vehicles having arrived at some point to transport them. Agent Alex Danvers approached me just before they left, Supergirl at her side.
"Greeting Agent Danvers," I spoke once she arrived.
"How do you know who I am," she asked defensively, eyes narrowing.
"I have worked very hard to learn everything I can about Cadmus. With how deeply they had your organization infiltrated I inevitably learned a bit about you as well," I responded.
Alex winced.
"This is everything I have on Cadmus," I said, handing her a drive. "There are some very powerful people on here who have done unspeakable things. Bringing them to justice would go a long way towards making up for your earlier lapses."
She nodded in thanks, "I don't suppose you would be willing to come in for a debrief?"
"Sorry, places to be," I replied. My drones shrank and returned to storage, appearing to vanish. I stepped back, preparing to launch myself into the air.
"Wait, what do we call you?" Alex asked.
"You can call me Luminary," I answered. "I am the one who lights the way."
With that appropriately dramatic response I rose into the air and soared off, remaining dignified even as I internally patted myself on the back for making such an awesome exit. I flew off into the distance, engaging my stealth systems once I was out of view.
November 9, 2015
The government certainly acted fast once it discovered a rogue, heavily armed hate group within itself. Signs of Cadmus arrests popped up everywhere if you know what you were looking for and it all came to a head a week after I had given them my info. Business people and lower-level officials were covertly arrested in trickles over the week, but the news broke when they went after the big fish. Congress people, military brass, CEOs of multibillion-dollar companies, cabinet members, one governor, and the Vice-President himself were all taken into custody publicly in a massive sweep. The arrests were soon followed up by a presidential press conference informing the public about Cadmus.
Their numerous crimes and atrocities were all laid bare and harshly condemned by President Marsdin. She called for America to come together and unify against hate as well as using the event to build support for her Alien Amnesty Program. I myself was questioned about Cadmus as the authorities discovered how deeply involved Lex and Lillian were with the organization. Of course I didn't know about Cadmus anymore than I knew that my brother was planning to attack Metropolis and kill Superman (a technically true statement).
Anti-Luthor sentiment, which had never really died down since Lex's attack, again increased once my family's Cadmus involvement was revealed. I had to carefully manage the media to make sure my image emerged how I wanted it to. Fortunately, I had several advantages. First off I was a billionaire, with shares in several news companies. The Luthor family also had one of the best PR firms in the world. Finally, being essentially a human AI, I was able to make social media my bitch. I manipulated posts with the grace of a master musician, making sure a positive view of me was pervasive nearly everywhere online.
It didn't hurt that the publicly available story was quite sympathetic on its own. A brilliant young woman who was unaware of her family's evil only for it to be horribly revealed, with them dying tragically soon after. Also helping me was the fact that I had done so much good in the world so quickly. The fact that I had solved climate change alone practically made me a saint in the eyes of many, same with curing cancer. I made sure to double down on this, announcing I had developed a reliable cure for most STDs, including AIDS, and the treatments were currently undergoing human testing with promising results to massive acclaim.
In addition to all that, I was becoming a queer feminist icon. My more permanent and reliable birth control did a lot for women and the fact that there was a male version as well was seen as an equalizer between the sexes. The fact that I had become the first woman to crack the top ten richest in the world list while being openly lesbian was also a big factor. There was still a lot of backlash, but I was doing quite well in the PR scene.
One place I was doing a lot more than quite well in was the stock market, not that anyone else knew. I had used my foreknowledge of companies that would be hit by the Cadmus reveal and my digital abilities to absolutely rake it in at the stock market. In the past week, my already massive fortune had grown substantially. Of course it wasn't all in my name, most of the money being spread by various false identities and shell companies to avoid being caught. Still, I pulled off what might be the greatest act of insider trading in history and made off like a bandit. Going by the public numbers I was now the richest person in the world, although I doubted other billionaires didn't also have secret stashes of ill-gotten gains.
My 23rd birthday had passed, marking a year since I woke up in this world. With everything going on there wasn't time to do a major celebration but I did make time for a birthday orgy, which I enjoyed immensely.
It had been quite a productive year. My position as CEO was a secure as can be and I had massive amounts of money, much of it untraceable. I developed amazingly powerful technology and gained global renown for solving several critical issues. My mind and body were both far beyond human, with more enhancements soon to come. The groundwork to lewd the world was laid and I had the beginnings of a spectacular harem. Now that I was in control of the board, the real game could begin.
End of Arc One