Chapter 216

Lu Miao skillfully found the specific file they needed from the pile of documents and made a few changes to the program data after opening it.

Then she tapped on the screen with her hand and explained, "I omitted a step out of laziness before. I have already fixed the program. You can use this to conduct the experimental data."

For her, the omitted step was easy to understand and didn't need to be explicitly written out. But she forgot that not everyone was like her.

The missing step was like a cliff for them, making a world of difference.

The group of people immediately crowded around the screen. After Lu Miao made the changes, they suddenly understood the previously incomprehensible data and procedures.

With this revelation, all the doubts in the laboratory were instantly dispelled.

Everyone rushed over, surrounding Lu Miao in the center, their gazes filled with fanaticism.