A Man Who Does Not Mean What He Says

Jin Nian took out a small bouquet of dried flowers from her bag as if she was performing magic. She raised her eyebrows at Lu An: "Lu An, this is for you. Cheer up!" She gave him the things that little girls liked because she hoped that he would smile brightly like a flower.

Lu An gave her face and smiled. He reached out and took the flowers that had been stuffed into his hands. He could not help but complain even though he had a smile in his eyes that was hard to hide: "Who told you to gift flowers to men? It's so embarrassing if other people find out."

Jin Nian rolled her eyes at him: "You're too pedantic. Who said that flowers can only be given to women? Men can also appreciate beautiful things, cry, and be sad. Who made the rule that it can't be?"

After that, Lu An kept that bouquet of flowers in a vase on his desk for many years.