Please, I Beg of You

Jin Nian was stunned. When she returned to her senses, she realized Lu An was holding her hand, and they were just exiting an alley. She could not believe it! It was too magical! Could Teacher Tan have been possessed?!

Jin Nian looked back even as Lu An led her by the arm. She was relieved that Teacher Tan was not chasing after her with a kitchen knife. Turning to Lu An, she noticed his carefree smile. Lu An had cut his hair nice and short when he went to Hong Kong, which made him look neat. Lu An almost looked cherubic in his drunken state with scarlet cheeks and bumbling steps.

He held Jin Nian's hand tightly as if he were holding a child. Buds of flowering cosmos swayed in greeting as they reached the parking lot. It reminded Lu An of something important, and he said to Jin Nian, "You still owe me a bouquet."

"I know."

"I want one now."

"Where am I going to find a bouquet for you?"