Bloodline is an Intriguing Thing

After all, it was near the company, so Jin Nian did not want to embarrass her, so she got into the car. After getting into the car, Jin Nian realized that things were not that simple. Xie He asked the chauffeur to drive, but she did not tell Jin Nian where they were going.

Jin Nian became alert, "Auntie, just say what you want to say. I still have things to do."

Xie He still had a smile on her face. She said: "I heard that you got engaged some time ago, and I haven't had the time to congratulate you."

Not many people knew about Jin Nian's engagement, so Xie He probably only knew about her engagement and did not know what happened after that. Jin Nian did not want to waste her breath on her. Instead, she congratulated Xie He sarcastically, "Auntie, I heard that you've gotten married for the fourth time? As a junior, I should be the one congratulating you first."

Xie He shook her head helplessly, "Still angry at me?"