Having the Opposite Side but Not Humanity

Jin Nian scratched her head awkwardly, her big eyes blinking innocently.

"Well, actually, I was still feeling a bit dazed. The whole married thing, I don't feel it yet."

"Why are you still the same as when you were in university? You're still so dumb. You always make people think you could be easily deceived."

This statement had Qiao Ranran in fits of laughter, clutching her stomach.

"If we're talking about someone who can complain, it's Feifei."

Jin Nian was a bit embarrassed by their laughter, so she changed the subject, "Feifei, are you sure about getting married this time?"

Yu Feifei nodded, "The wedding might be around New Year's. Mainly because Lu Feng keeps pushing for it."

Yu Feifei herself didn't have any particular fantasies about marriage, but since she chose to be with Lu Feng, she couldn't be selfish and only think about herself.