Sending a Luxury Car to the Company

The priority was exercise. This was the most direct method to enhance one's physical condition. Additionally, she needed to pay attention to her diet and needed to reduce sugar. As for fried foods, they could be completely excluded. They were greasy and unhealthy.

In terms of lifestyle, avoiding staying up late was crucial.

At that moment, the secretary knocked on the door and entered, placing a freshly prepared iced Americano on the desk.

Observing Lu An's rare seriousness, the secretary couldn't help but think that this must be a project worth at least several hundred million yuan.


Jin Nian felt like she hadn't consulted her fortune before leaving home that day. She unexpectedly ran into Jiang Qingchi.

In the afternoon, Jiang Qingchi came over under the guise of work.

Anyone with insight would understand that such a minor matter didn't warrant a visit. He simply wanted to see Jin Nian.