Never Considering the Consequences

"You're making it sound easy! Look at what your daughter has been up to lately! First, she publicly called off the engagement, and then she secretly got married without informing the family. Will she also keep divorcing secretly without telling us in the future? Is marriage something to be trifled with? We've spoiled her too much, which is why she acts recklessly now and never considers the consequences!"

Jin Nian didn't even have the energy to argue back. Teacher Tan was right. She had indeed treated marriage lightly.

Suppressing her tears, even though she knew she was in the wrong, she still felt unjustified, especially since Lu An wasn't with her at the moment.

Teacher Tan endured and continued, "Alright, it takes two to tango. When you bring Lu An here tomorrow, both of you need to explain this matter clearly to me!"