Is This All You Can Do?

Lu An excitedly picked up Jin Nian and showered her with kisses on her face, much like an eager-to-please big dog to its owner. "Tell me clearly, who is my mistress, huh? Why didn't I know about it?"

Jin Nian yawned drowsily, "Who knows?"

After Lu An had finished his bathroom routine, his minty-fresh breath lingered in the air from all the kisses. These passionate kisses had left a minty scent all over Jin Nian's face.

Jin Nian, no longer feeling sleepy, decided to get out of bed. Finally, there was no need to rush to work.

Today, Lu An was being unusually clingy. No matter what Jin Nian did, he would stick by her side, occasionally planting a kiss or wrapping his arms around her.

Jin Nian, feeling exasperated, couldn't help but complain, "You're so annoying! I can't even wash my face!"

However, Lu An paid no heed to her complaints. He continued, "Admit it, you're also smitten with me!"