You're the Boss

"Why don't I remember?"

Jin Nian looked at the confident expression on the person in front of her and gradually began to feel uneasy.

She vaguely recalled asking him this question before, but at the time, she probably hadn't paid much attention to his response.

Lu An pulled Jin Nian to sit in his chair and looked at her with a playful smile. "What brings you here?"

It was only then that Jin Nian remembered the documents in her hands. She spread them out on the table. "Could you please take a look at these, Mr. CEO? If everything is fine, please sign them."

However, Lu An didn't seem in a hurry to inspect the documents. He leaned on the chair with his hands, almost trapping Jin Nian in front of him. "You came all the way here just for this?"

"Yes, please sign them quickly. I need to report back before the end of my shift."

Lu An raised his hand to check the time on his wristwatch. "What's the rush?"