In Every Country Dogs Bite

When she saw Lu An disappear into the sea, Jin Nian's heart seemed to have been gripped. The news instantly appeared in her mind. She was so afraid that Lu An was swept away by the undercurrent.

At that moment, many images flashed through Jin Nian's mind. She thought of Grandma Lu. She lived in her memories for the rest of her life because her husband had died. Every memory was a painful torture.

Lu An was stunned. He had only wanted to play a little joke on Jin Nian because he had taught her how to swim yesterday. He just wanted to test her results. He didn't expect to anger her.

"Lu An! You're really too much!" Jin Nian shook Lu An off and walked to the shore. She squatted on the beach, hugged herself, and started crying.

She was terrified. She was afraid that Lu An would leave her because of an accident. When Lu An disappeared, she felt that she could not breathe.