A Stigma

In Jin Nian's eyes, no matter what Lu Keke and Lu Xixi did, it was cute.

There was a period of time when Lu Keke learned how to use the toilet herself. Jin Nian was worried and wanted to go over to take a look. It was no exaggeration to say that even when she saw Lu Keke use the toilet, Jin Nian didn't find it smelly.

Lu Keke and Lu Xixi were at the age where their learning and imitation abilities were amazing. They would naturally learn some things by watching how adults did it.

Every time Jin Nian put on makeup, Lu Keke and Lu Xixi would watch with great interest. Later on, Lu Keke decided to do it himself. He took Jin Nian's various cosmetics and applied them on his face, turning himself into a tabby cat. He even put on makeup for Lu Xixi. In just a few hours, the two children had ruined many of Jin Nian's cosmetics.