Happy Birthday

However, the doctor couldn't possibly know the complicated story of the Ji family. There was nowhere for Ji Jing to vent her frustrations.

"Here you go, go to the first-floor pharmacy to get the medication. Don't lose it again! If you lose it, I won't prescribe it again. Now, go, go, go, hurry up!" As soon as he finished writing the prescription, Dr. Li casually handed it to Ji Jing and immediately shooed her away with his assistant.

Fine, she traveled all this way to get the medication, only to be scolded and then kicked out in the end.

By the time Ji Jing received the prescription, she was completely speechless. Ji Ying's move was really ruthless.

Especially her strange motion sickness condition. It occurred randomly, and most of the time she didn't experience it, but once it started, it would become increasingly severe.

Tormented by uncontrollable vomiting and intense headaches for an hour, Ji Jing finally returned to the Ji family home.