Is He Human or a Ghost?

Most of these entrustments are the illusion of the owners, and most of the so-called hauntings are just normal phenomena.

Wei Ming only needs to put on a show to make the owner feel at ease, and he will get the money.

However, this time it seemed that something was different.

Wei Ming frowned, there was something wrong with this cold breath. But the thought of one last big order stopped him from leaving, and he continued on to the living room.

"Is anyone there? I was introduced by Lao Wang under the overpass. Is your house going to exorcise ghosts? What happened?" Wei Ming asked tentatively.

"You're here! I've been waiting for you for a long time." Wei Ming suddenly felt a pat on his left shoulder. It was a brisk female voice.

Wei Ming looked back unpreparedly: "Ms. Wang, I..."

"Who are you?!" Wei Ming took a closer look and almost fainted from fright.