Hongxing Building

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Ji Jing knocked on Ming Ze's door punctually.

"Good afternoon." Ming Ze quickly opened the door as if he had been waiting for a long time, "Come in quickly."

He welcomed Ji Jing into the house and handed her a glass of ice water.

It was too timely! Ji Jing sighed in her heart. She took the cup and instantly drank half of it.

The air conditioning in Ming Ze's house was just right, dispelling the summer heat.

" Slow down," Ming Ze advised helplessly. "Do you have a commission today?"

He helped Ji Jing remove the sword. Ji Jing did not have to worry about the lightning tribulation with him and the Ji family. She must have gone somewhere else to carry the sword.

"Yes, I encountered some special circumstances." Ji Jing followed Ming Ze to the living room as she told him about Wei Ming and Ji Hui. She wanted to see if Ming Ze had any clues.