Local Owners

Local God: Sir, I only care about my land. You're hundreds of kilometers away from me. How can you care? Why are you asking me?

"This land has a big temper."Ji Jing looked at Liang Xiao seriously.

"That's right." Liang Xiao's ten fingers flew back.

Ji Jing expressed her helplessness." Maybe when he asks you to buy some amulet, your temper will improve."

"Amulet? No, he didn't want money. He only said that he hoped that after his wish was fulfilled, the person who made the wish could go to the local temple in the suburbs to fulfill his wish. It was quite true."Liang Xiao replied as he typed.

No, this was a part of human deception! Wake up!

Ji Jing shook her head and threw the matter to the back of her mind.