
Ji Jing was bold and kept chasing after him.

They came to a grassland. A gust of wind blew from the other end of the spacious grassland to this end. The knee-high grass swayed with the wind, emitting an indescribable coldness in the darkness.

Ji Jing's gaze followed the figures of the mountain demons. After they arrived at the empty grassland, they seemed to have forgotten that there were two people following behind them. They all bounced towards the center of the grassland.

No, not just them.

Ji Jing was surprised to see the little mountain demons jumping over from all directions. They bounced and bounced, drawing a semicircle in the air, then bounced into the center of the grass and disappeared.

It was still daytime, but the center of the grassland seemed gloomy, like a huge monster lurking in the dark, waiting for the prey to arrive with its mouth open, and the mountain goblins would never come out after jumping in.