Meeting Again

The next day, Ming Ze brought Ji Jing up the mountain. Before they even saw the local god, they found Bai Wang.

"Bai Wang? Why are you here?" Ji Jing had just entered the familiar sinkhole when she saw a bright orange color high up in the sky.

The old mountain god's residence was now covered in ruins. The tall pillars had collapsed into the ground, becoming a paradise for fungi and moss.

The only thing that allowed people to see the grandeur and glory of the past was a tall screen wall. Vines and moss covered half of the wall, and the carvings on it were already blurry. But now, it was more convenient for people to climb.

Bai Wang was lying on the top of the screen wall, crossing his legs to empty himself. When he heard the sound, he turned around in confusion.

He looked down from above and quickly noticed Ji Jing and Ming Ze." I'm hiding. On the contrary, I should be the one asking for your questions. My sister asked you to find someone?"