New Clue

C City and D City were very close. With the help of Bai Wang's helicopter, they soon arrived at the famous lake in D City.

On one side of the lake was a marsh park with a scenic trail. Many elderly people who woke up early were taking a walk. It was very relaxing.

All in all, there was no sign of the children that Ji Jing and the others were looking for.

"I told you. How can you hide someone in this place? If anyone was hiding here, they would have been discovered long ago."Bai Wang sighed. His hair color was still very eye-catching here, and he had already attracted the attention of several old people passing by.

"Little Earth, did I say that you felt wrong?"Bai Wang asked.

"What do you mean by small land!" The local god stomped his feet in anger." I'm absolutely not wrong. They are in a place that is similar to the sea."This child really didn't know how to respect the old and love the young!