Soul Summoning

When Ji Jing received the message from Xu Tian, it was already sunset.

Everyone was tired after a long time, so Ming Ze's freeloading team sat at the dining table in unison.

The soup pot was slowly boiling on the table. There were two distinct sides of the table. On one side was the little Taotie who was engrossed in eating, Xue Zhong who was praising while eating, and Fu Xian who was eating elegantly.

On the other side, Ji Jing and Liang Xiao were beside Ming Ze, staring at the same screen. Of course, Ming Ze actually wanted to kick Liang Xiao away, but he endured it because of his image.

"There are only three things he can do: edify, possess, and imprison."Liang Xiao was the first to finish reading the information that Xu Tian had sent over and sat back down smugly.

The information that Xue Meng had found was actually reliable. He had really found three ways to deal with the evil spirits.