
When the sun had completely disappeared from the horizon, the little paper man finally returned to Ji Jing's side.

Seeing the little paper man flip in through the window sill, Ji Jing breathed a sigh of relief. Although these little paper men didn't have much consciousness, Ji Jing still didn't want to sacrifice any of them randomly.

The little paper man was more carefree than Ji Jing, and it eagerly went to play with its companions on the bookshelf.

Ji Jing had already notified Fu Xian and Xiao Taowu in advance, but she had hastily escaped earlier and couldn't coordinate the timing with He Xin. She didn't know when He Xin would come to find her.

She hoped it would be sooner rather than later... Ji Jing looked at the gradually enveloping moonlight outside the window and felt a bit anxious.